如何设计 NVD3 图表的工具提示样式?

How can I style a tooltip for an NVD3 Chart?

引用 NVD3 框架。我正在尝试为下面列出的饼图添加自定义工具提示:

var app = angular.module('plunker', ['nvd3']);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.options = {
        chart: {
            type: 'pieChart',
            height: 500,
            x: function(d){return d.key;},
            y: function(d){return d.y;},
            color:['#CE1B1F', '#FFC455', '#00A6CD'],
            showLabels: false,
            duration: 500,
            labelThreshold: 0.01,
            labelSunbeamLayout: true,
            legend: {
                margin: {
                    top: 5,
                    right: 35,
                    bottom: 5,
                    left: 0

    $scope.data = [
            key: "A",
            y: 2
            key: "B",
            y: 1
            key: "C",
            y: 3

因为我只是在使用 Krispo [github][1] 中的示例,所以我不确定如何自定义工具提示,使其类似于以下内容:

为了添加自定义工具提示,您需要将 tooltip 添加到现有的 nvd3 选项中,如下所示:

tooltip: {
     contentGenerator: function (e) {
           //Create and return desired tool-tip as html using e.series and e.data

如果您需要为每个系列使用一些额外的值或属性,您可以在 $scope.data:

$scope.data = [
            key: "CAT I",
            y: 2,
            MyAttribute1:"DLA Avn ... CAT I",
            MyAttribute2:"DLA Energy ... CAT I"
            key: "CAT II",
            y: 3,
            MyAttribute1:"DLA Avn ... CAT II",
            MyAttribute2:"DLA Energy ... CAT II"
            key: "CAT III",
            y: 1,
            MyAttribute1:"DLA Avn ... CAT III",
            MyAttribute2:"DLA Energy ... CAT III"

现在您可以使用 e.data 访问工具提示函数内的自定义值,如下所示:

tooltip: {
         contentGenerator: function (e) {
              var series = e.series[0];
              if (series.value === null) return;

              var rows = 
                "<tr>" +
                  "<td class='key'>" + series.key + '- #3: ' + "</td>" +
                  "<td class='x-value'>" + e.data.MyAttribute1 + "</td>" + 
                "</tr>" +
                "<tr>" +
                  "<td class='key'>" + series.key + '- #5: ' + "</td>" +
                  "<td class='x-value'>" + e.data.MyAttribute2 + "</td>" + 

              var header = 
                "<thead>" + 
                  "<tr>" +
                    "<td class='legend-color-guide'><div style='background-color: " + series.color + ";'></div></td>" +
                    "<td class='key'><strong>" + series.key + "</strong></td>" +
                  "</tr>" + 

              return "<table>" +
                  header +
                  "<tbody>" + 
                    rows + 
                  "</tbody>" +

有一个 Edited Plunker 可以向您展示如何做到这一点。
