
Appending the list with each unique solution to the Queens Puzzle. I don't know why the last solution is the only solution appended to the list?

我正在尝试将 N 皇后拼图的每个单独解决方案保存到列表中。但是,当我尝试将每个列表添加为子列表时,只有最后一个解决方案被添加到列表中(10 次),而不是 10 个单独的解决方案。我的目标是确保每次我 运行 只打印尚未找到的新解决方案并将其添加到列表中。

def share_diagonal(x0, y0, x1, y1):
    """ Is (x0, y) on the same shared diagonal with (x1, y1)? """
    dx = abs(x1 - x0)  # Calc the absolute y distance
    dy = abs(y1 - y0)  # Calc the absolute x distance
    return dx == dy  # They clash if dx == yx

def col_clashes(bs, c):
    """ Return True if the queen at column c clashes
        with any queen to its left.
    for i in range(c):  # Look at all columns to the left of c
        if share_diagonal(i, bs[i], c, bs[c]):
            return True
    return False  # No clashes - col c has a safe placement

def has_clashes(the_board):
    """ Determine whether we have any queens clashing on the diagonal.
        We're assuming here that the_board is a permutation of column
        numbers, so we're not explicitly checking row or column clashes.
    for col in range(1, len(the_board)):
        if col_clashes(the_board, col):
            return True
    return False

solutions = []

def main(board_size):
    import random
    global solutions
    rng = random.Random()  # Instantiate a generator

    bd = list(range(board_size))  # Generate the initial permutation
    num_found = 0
    tries = 0
    while num_found < 10:
        tries += 1
        if not has_clashes(bd):
            print("Found solution {0} in {1} tries.".format(bd, tries))
            solutions.append(bd)  # This is the section in which I am trying to save each individual solution into a list. 
            tries = 0
            num_found += 1

for i in solutions:
    print(i)  # When I print off the list, all items in the list are replica's of the last solution found. Not each individual solution. I don't know why this is occurring.




创建当前解决方案的副本。 在列表中出现相同解决方案 10 次的问题是因为您在结果列表中添加了对 bd 的引用,但随后就地随机播放了列表 bd


if not has_clashes(bd):

if not has_clashes(bd) and bd not in solutions: