当我试图在代码块编译器中 运行 这个程序时,strstr() 函数每次都返回 0。为什么?

When I was trying to run this program in the codeblocks compiler, the strstr() function was returning 0 everytime. Why?



char tracks[][80] = {
                        "I left my heart in harvard med school",
                        "Newark, newark - a wonderful town",
                        "Dancing with a dork",
                        "From here to maternity",
                        "The girl from Iwo Jima",

void find_track(char search_for[])
    int i, m = 0;
    for(i = 0; i<5; i++)

the control reaches upto this line of code

        m = strstr(tracks[i], search_for);     
            printf("Track%i : '%s' \n", i, tracks[i]);

strstr() returns 0

int main()
    char search_for[80];
    printf("Search for : ");
    fgets(search_for, 80, stdin);
    return 0 ;


请注意 fgets 包括作为条目一部分的任何尾随 newline。可以这样去掉

search_for [ strcspn(search_for, "\r\n") ] = 0;   // remove trailing newline etc


请注意 fflush(stdin); 是非标准的。另请注意,其中一个链接答案中给出的 scanf 会在第一个空格处停止,除非您使用某些格式来阻止它。