Error: File to import not found or unreadable (Gulp, using WordPress Sage)

Error: File to import not found or unreadable (Gulp, using WordPress Sage)

gulp watch 在进行较小的 CSS 更改时随机崩溃。完全相同的更改将工作一次(浏览器重新加载并显示更改)但下一次(在文本编辑器中撤消和重做然后保存)gulp watch 可能会莫名其妙地崩溃并出现以下错误:

[03:53:21] Starting 'styles'...
Error: File to import not found or unreadable: partials/home_page
       Parent style sheet: D:/EasyPHP/www/pot/wp-content/themes/pot/assets/styles/main.scss
        on line 4 of assets/styles/main.scss
>> @import "partials/home_page";

[03:53:21] Finished 'styles' after 7.96 ms


这似乎只发生在使用 Sublime Text 的 Windows 用户身上。 Here's the solution to this particular issue: 添加 "atomic_save" : true 到用户设置。