ember-cli 使用 nodewatcher / watchman 做什么?

What does ember-cli use nodewatcher / watchman for?

我正在尝试找到 ember-cli 具体使用 watchman / nodewatcher 的基本答案,但遇到了一些麻烦。感觉自己有点脑残,如果有人能解释一下,我将不胜感激。


On OSX and UNIX-like operating systems, we recommend installing Watchman version 3.x, which provides Ember CLI a more effective way for watching project changes.

File-watching on OSX is error-prone and Node’s built-in NodeWatcher has trouble observing large trees. Watchman on the other hand, solves these problems and performs well on extremely massive file trees. You can read more about Facebook’s motivations here.

Ember CLI User Guide

中了解有关 Watchman 的更多信息

Watchman 允许您获取有关项目文件更改和 运行 项目重建的信息(并可选择在之后重新加载您的页面)