iOS 密码保护设备上的后台唤醒

iOS background wake on password protected device

Apple Doc Understanding When Your App Gets Launched into the Background

When password protection is enabled on the device, the system does not launch an app in the background before the user first unlocks the device.

每隔几分钟,某些应用程序会在后台唤醒,用户无法继续解锁 iPhone。


Apple doc中写的是什么意思?


In most cases, the system does not relaunch apps after they are force quit by the user. One exception is location apps, which in iOS 8 and later are relaunched after being force quit by the user. In other cases, though, the user must launch the app explicitly or reboot the device before the app can be launched automatically into the background by the system. When password protection is enabled on the device, the system does not launch an app in the background before the user first unlocks the device


  1. 如果这是定位服务 => 用户必须解锁 phone 才能执行后台操作

  2. 如果这不是定位服务 => 用户必须解锁并且启动应用程序一次才能执行后台操作。
