实现 CRTP 链表混合 C++

Implementing a CRTP linked list mix-in C++

我在使用 CRTP 混合指令时遇到问题。


template < typename T >
class AutoSList : public T {
  AutoSList() {}

  ~AutoSList() : _next(nullptr) {}

  static T* _head;
  static T* _tail;
  T* _next;


// I really hate this syntax.
template <typename T>
T*  AutoSList<T>::_head = nullptr;
template <typename T>
T*  AutoSList<T>::_tail = nullptr;

class itsybase : public AutoSList < itsybase >


我正在使用 VS2013 并收到以下错误:

   error C2504: 'itsybase' : base class undefined
 : see reference to class template instantiation 'AutoSList<itsybase>' being compiled


正如 user2079303 建议的那样,这是一个打字错误。 clang++ 是这样说的:

$ clang++ -std=c++11 -c go.cpp 
go.cpp:6:5: error: missing return type for function 'AutoList'; did you mean the constructor name 'AutoSList'?
    AutoList() {}
go.cpp:8:6: error: expected the class name after '~' to name a destructor
    ~AutoList() {}
go.cpp:20:19: error: no member named '_head' in 'AutoSList<T>'
T*  AutoSList<T>::_head = nullptr;
go.cpp:24:25: error: use of undeclared identifier 'ADLib'
class itsybase : public ADLib::AutoSList < itsybase >
4 errors generated.

有 2 个问题导致这些编译错误。首先是拼写错误,导致 c-tor/d-tor 和 class 名称不匹配。

第二个问题是您试图在父模板中继承 T。这在 CRTP 中是不可能的,因为在实例化模板时类型将不完整。无论如何,这将导致无限递归继承:itsybase 继承 AutoSList<itsybase> 继承 itsybase 继承 AutoSList<itsybase>...