
Access labels of file through extended filename as directory

我想在 ClearCase 中列出特定文件的所有标签。基于 (how to find all the labels for a given file in clearcase) 处接受的答案中的最后一种方法,我想结合使用 cddir。我只使用动态视图,因为我们有数千个版本,所以我猜这种方法比缓慢的 cleartool 查询快得多(ClearCase 在这里慢得要命)。有关信息,我只在 Windows 上工作。


cd m:/myView/path/to/addon.xml@@
# list all files, not directories: the files are the labels
dir /B /A-D 


奇怪的是下面的工作:copy filename@@\labelname targetfile。甚至 copy labelname targetname 也可以在目录 "filename@@" 中工作。我不明白。为什么 dir 不显示这些文件?我尝试了所有属性(比如隐藏文件)等等。

这是 MVFS 中的错误还是我遗漏了什么?正如我所说,它适用于许多文件,但不适用于所有文件。但我不知道这些文件有什么不同。也许文件 extension/type?但这有关系吗?

I don't get it. Why doesn't dir show these files?

因为 dir 是一个 Windows 命令,它将列出 Windows 个文件系统文件,而不是 MVFS (Multi-Version FileSystem) ones, used by a dynamic view

I don't know what is different with those files. Maybe the file extension/type?

@@ 之后的所有内容都是 (see man page),MVFS 动态视图将其模拟为 Windows 文件。

But should this matter?

如果您正在使用 Windows 命令(而不是 cleartool 查询),则不应使用,因为这些扩展路径应该直接由 Windows 可见。
它们是 可访问的 (copy filename@@\labelname targetfile),但也应该是 可见的(由基于 Windows 文件系统的 dir 命令列出)

特别是 Version labels in extended namespace:

Version labels appear in the extended namespace as hard links (UNIX and Linux) or as additional files (Windows).

On Windows, if version \main of an element is labeled RLS_1, the extended namespace directory corresponding to the element's main branch lists both 4 and RLS_1:

Z:\myvob\src> dir sort.c@@\main
2006-11-10T17:34                1846 4
2006-11-10T17:34                1846 RLS_1

如果在 Windows 上创建的标签类型具有每个元素一次的限制,则标签版本的条目将出现在元素的顶级目录中:

Z:\myvob\src> dir sort.c@@ 2006-11-10T17:34                1846 RLS_1

也别忘了 pathnames can involve multiple elements:

After a path name crosses over into the extended namespace with @@, you must specify a version for each succeeding element in the path name.
For example:

To automatically select versions for elements proj and src: cross over to extended namespace at directory element include, specifying a version of include and a version of sort.h:



OP 在评论中添加:

The problem was the once-per-element restriction. This is the default setting in our environment but someone used the once-per-branch setting in his VOB. So the label files could not be created at the top-level directory.

The once-per-element restriction is the mklbtype default.
A mklbtype -pbranch command creates a label type that can be used once on each branch of an element.