JIRA 搜索查询 - 我如何使用 'status changed' 来获得 'after startOfDay' + 修复 HH:mm?

JIRA search query - how could I use 'status changed' to have 'after startOfDay' + fixed HH:mm?

我正在尝试为仪表板创建过滤器。这个想法是显示每天特定时间(例如 9:00-10:00)内正在处理的问题列表。我目前拥有的是:

project = "Project_name" AND status changed by user_name before "2010-02-12 10:00" after "2010-02-12 09:00"  ORDER BY id

问题是我必须每天手动更新过滤器 - 有什么解决方法吗?理想情况下是为 startOfDayHH:mm 设置单独的标记 - 但据我所知,JIRA 中没有这样的选项......


The "CHANGED" operator is used to find issues that
have a value which had changed for the specified field.

This operator has the following optional predicates:

•AFTER "date"
•BEFORE "date"
•BY "username"
•DURING ("date1","date2")
•ON "date"
•FROM "oldvalue"
•TO "newvalue"

因此您可能需要考虑 atlassian 论坛周围的任何插件

您可以使用 startOfDay() 和 endOfDay() 通过时间轮班。从上午 9 点到晚上 9 点:

before endOfDay(-3h) after startOfDay(9h)
