使用 jgitflow Maven 插件完成发布时激活配置文件?

Activate profile when finishing release using jgitflow Maven plugin?

我有一个 Maven 配置文件 documentation,我想在 运行 mvn jgitflow:release-finish 时激活它。我知道我能做到:

mvn jgitflow:release-finish -Pdocumentation


automatically copies any profiles (-P) and user-properties (-D) passed on the command line to the forked maven process when building


Objective:我希望能够配置 Maven 以便此配置文件自动激活(或者我可以以某种方式在 'release' 配置文件处于活动状态)。

jgitflow:release-finish 目标实际上使用默认选项 useReleaseProfile 定义:

Whether to use the release profile that adds sources and javadocs to the released artifact, if appropriate. If set to true, the plugin sets the property performRelease to true, which activates the profile "release-profile", which is inherited from the super pom.

此选项的默认值为 true,因此在执行此目标时将默认将 performRelease 属性 设置为 true

注意上面提到的release profile是由super POM, which is actually used by this plugin but also by the maven-release-plugin via the similar useReleaseProfile选项定义的

然后您也可以根据此选项激活您的 profile,如下所示:


这意味着您仍然可以通过 -P 选项明确激活它,并且它也会被目标自动激活。