如何使用 pytest 在 "setup" 方法中使用 monkeypatch 进行单元测试?

How to use monkeypatch in a "setup" method for unit tests using pytest?

我正在尝试在单元测试中模拟实用程序 class(在本例中为 python 记录器实用程序)。

虽然我知道如何在每个测试级别上使用 monkeypatch 来做到这一点,但我希望我可以通过某种方式简单地作为 setup/globally 的一部分来做到这一点。


import logging


def setup(self, monkeypatch):

    class fake_logger(level):
        def __init__(self, val):

        def setLevel(self, level):
            # Do something

    def mock_logger(level):
        return fake_logger(level)
    monkeypatch.setattr(logging, 'getLogger', mock_logger)



name = 'setup'

def call_optional(obj, name):
    method = getattr(obj, name, None)
    isfixture = hasattr(method, "_pytestfixturefunction")
    if method is not None and not isfixture and py.builtin.callable(method):
        # If there's any problems allow the exception to raise rather than
        # silently ignoring them
>           method()
E           TypeError: setup() missing 1 required positional argument: 'monkeypatch'

monkeypatch 作为一个普通的 pytest fixture。如果你想使用它,你需要把你的方法也做成一个夹具。

import logging

import pytest

def setup(monkeypatch):

    class fake_logger(object):
        def __init__(self, val):

        def setLevel(self, level):
            # Do something

    def mock_logger(level):
        return fake_logger(level)
    monkeypatch.setattr(logging, 'getLogger', mock_logger)

def test_fake_logger(setup):
    # test steps

如果你在测试中检查logging.getLogger('any level')的类型,它将是你定义的fake_logger