C# BlackJack - 发给玩家的同一张牌 & cpu?
C# BlackJack - same card dealt to player & cpu?
我无缘无故地在做一个小黑杰克游戏,我 运行 遇到了一个问题,我不知道我哪里出错了,我唯一能做的就是可以想象的是 'new card' 方法被调用了两次,太快了...
问题是它给两个玩家 同一张牌 :/
谢谢! :)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace BlackJack_Reworked
public partial class BlackJack : Form
public BlackJack()
class myVars
public static int cardsDrawn = 0;
public static int playerX = 230;
public static int playerY = 160;
public static int cpuX = 230;
public static int cpuY = 60;
public static int playerCardValue = 0;
public static int cpuCardValue = 0;
private PictureBox[] card = new PictureBox[100];
private void makeCard(string pickedCard, int x)
card[myVars.cardsDrawn] = new PictureBox();
if (x == 0)
card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Location = new Point(myVars.playerX, myVars.playerY);
myVars.playerX += 15;
if (x == 1)
card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Location = new Point(myVars.cpuX, myVars.cpuY);
myVars.cpuX += 15;
card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Image = (Image)Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(pickedCard);
card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Size = new Size(72, 96);
card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Parent = this;
private void newCard(int x)
Random cardPicker = new Random();
int cardChoice = cardPicker.Next(1, 13);
int houseChoice = cardPicker.Next(1, 4);
string house = null;
switch (houseChoice)
case 1:
house = "Hearts";
case 2:
house = "Diamonds";
case 3:
house = "Spades";
case 4:
house = "Clubs";
if (x == 0)
makeCard(house + Convert.ToString(cardChoice), 0);
myVars.playerCardValue += cardChoice;
if (x == 1)
makeCard(house + Convert.ToString(cardChoice), 1);
myVars.cpuCardValue += cardChoice;
private bool feelingLucky()
Random Dice = new Random();
if (myVars.cpuCardValue >= 20) { return false; }
if (myVars.cpuCardValue <= 16) { return true; }
if (myVars.cpuCardValue >= 17 && myVars.cpuCardValue <= 18) if (Dice.Next(1, 5) == 1) { return true; }
if (myVars.cpuCardValue == 19) if (Dice.Next(1, 10) == 1) { return true; }
return false;
private void updateHandValues()
lblPlayerHand.Text = "Player: " + myVars.playerCardValue.ToString();
lblCPUhand.Text = "CPU: " + myVars.cpuCardValue.ToString();
private void checkScores(bool stand)
if (stand == true)
if (myVars.playerCardValue <= 21 && myVars.playerCardValue > myVars.cpuCardValue)
btnNewGame.Visible = true;
else if (myVars.cpuCardValue <= 21 && myVars.cpuCardValue > myVars.playerCardValue)
btnNewGame.Visible = true;
if (myVars.playerCardValue > 21)
btnNewGame.Visible = true;
if (myVars.cpuCardValue > 21)
btnNewGame.Visible = true;
private void newGame()
for(int x = 0; x < myVars.cardsDrawn; x++) { card[x].Dispose(); }
myVars.cpuCardValue = 0;
myVars.playerCardValue = 0;
myVars.cpuX = 230;
myVars.playerX = 230;
btnNewGame.Visible = false;
newCard(0); newCard(1);
private void btnNewGame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnHit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
newCard(0); newCard(1);
private void btnStand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (feelingLucky() == true) newCard(1);
else checkScores(true);
编辑 这是我的新版本和工作版本的代码,在下面这些好人的帮助下,以防万一有人发现它有用,谢谢大家!
我知道我的逻辑可能不太好,但我觉得我已经从这个小项目中学到了东西,希望其他人也能,现在,是时候想出一些新的东西了。感谢 Whosebug。
Playing Card Pictures Download
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace BlackJack_Reworked
public partial class BlackJack : Form
public BlackJack()
private PictureBox[] Card = new PictureBox[52];
static List<string> Deck = new List<string>();
class myVars
public static int playerX = 230;
public static int cpuX = 230;
public static int playerCardValue = 0;
public static int cpuCardValue = 0;
public static int cardsDrawn = 0;
private void newDeck()
for (int x = 0; x < myVars.cardsDrawn; x++)
for (int x = 0; x < 52; x++)
int cardSuite = (x / 13) + 1;
int faceValue = (x % 13) + 1;
string Suite = null;
switch (cardSuite)
case 1:
Suite = "Hearts";
case 2:
Suite = "Diamonds";
case 3:
Suite = "Spades";
case 4:
Suite = "Clubs";
Deck.Add(Suite + Convert.ToString(faceValue));
myVars.cardsDrawn = myVars.cpuCardValue = myVars.playerCardValue = 0;
myVars.cpuX = myVars.playerX = 230;
private void handCard(string recipient)
Random Random = new Random(); Extensions.Shuffle(Deck);
string pickedCard = Deck[Random.Next(Deck.Count)];
int cardvalue = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Replace(pickedCard, "[^0-9]", ""));
Card[myVars.cardsDrawn] = new PictureBox();
if (recipient == "player") {
Card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Location = new Point(myVars.playerX, 160); myVars.playerX += 15;
myVars.playerCardValue += cardvalue;
if (recipient == "cpu") {
Card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Location = new Point(myVars.cpuX, 60); myVars.cpuX += 15;
myVars.cpuCardValue += cardvalue;
Card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Image = (Image)Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(pickedCard);
Card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Size = new Size(72, 96);
Card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Parent = this;
Deck.Remove(pickedCard); myVars.cardsDrawn++; updateHandValues();
private void updateHandValues()
lblPlayerHand.Text = "Player: " + myVars.playerCardValue.ToString();
lblCPUhand.Text = "CPU: " + myVars.cpuCardValue.ToString();
private void newGame()
lblBlackJack.Text = "♠ Blackjack ♥";
btnNewGame.Visible = false;
newDeck(); handCard("player"); handCard("cpu");
private void checkCards()
if (playerWins() == true)
lblBlackJack.Text = "♠ You Win! ♥";
btnNewGame.Visible = true;
else if (playerWins() == false)
lblBlackJack.Text = "♠ Dealer Wins! ♥";
btnNewGame.Visible = true;
private void tieBreak()
if (myVars.cpuCardValue == myVars.playerCardValue && myVars.cpuCardValue >= 17)
lblBlackJack.Text = "♠ Tie! ♥";
btnNewGame.Visible = true;
else { checkCards(); }
private bool? playerWins()
if(myVars.cpuCardValue == 21 || myVars.playerCardValue > 21) { return false; }
if(myVars.playerCardValue == 21 || myVars.cpuCardValue > 21) { return true; }
else { return null; }
private bool cpuShouldPlay(bool stand)
Random Dice = new Random();
if (stand == false)
if (myVars.cpuCardValue <= 15) { return true; }
if (myVars.cpuCardValue >= 20 && myVars.cpuCardValue <= 21 && myVars.cpuCardValue > myVars.playerCardValue) { return false; }
if (myVars.cpuCardValue == 19 && myVars.cpuCardValue < myVars.playerCardValue) { return true; } else { return false; }
if(myVars.cpuCardValue < myVars.playerCardValue)
return true;
else { return false; }
private void btnNewGame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnHit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
handCard("player"); if(cpuShouldPlay(false) == true) handCard("cpu"); checkCards();
private void btnStand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (cpuShouldPlay(true) == true) handCard("cpu"); tieBreak();
public static class Extensions
public static void Shuffle<T>(this IList<T> list)
Random rng = new Random();
int n = list.Count;
while (n > 1)
int k = rng.Next(n + 1);
T value = list[k];
list[k] = list[n];
list[n] = value;
您正在新卡片方法中声明一个新的 Random()。
最好的办法是在方法之外创建 random 的实例,并每次都传递 random,这样每次调用都不会得到相同的数字。
Random.Next 方法根据当前时间戳和先前生成的数字(称为 'seed')生成随机数。当您每次创建 Random 的新对象时,它都会使用相同的种子进行初始化。在您的情况下,时间戳和种子不会更改为随机的 'Next' 方法。
如果您对所有操作使用单个 Random 对象,则每次调用 'next' 时种子都会改变。
注意:创建一个新鞋,假设您的卡片数量为 20。
List<string> aShoe = new List<string>(); //shoe contains 4 to 8 decks. Depending upon blackjack version.
int numberOfDeckPerShoe = 4;
private void CreateNewDeck()
for(int i =0;i <numberOfDeckPerShoe;i++)
for(int j=0;j<52;j++)
int cardFace = (j%13)+1;
int cardSuite = (j/13) + 1;
string Suite = null;
switch (cardSuite)
case 1:
Suite = "Hearts";
case 2:
Suite = "Diamonds";
case 3:
Suite = "Spades";
case 4:
Suite = "Clubs";
aShoe.add(Suite + Convert.ToString(cardFace));
Random cardPicker = new Random(); //This is change
private void newCard(int x)
int cardChoice = 0;
int houseChoice = 0;
string cardDrawn = "";
int cardToDraow = cardPicker.Next(0,aShoe.length);
cardDrawn = card aShoe[cardToDraow];
if (x == 0)
makeCard(cardDrawn, 0);
myVars.playerCardValue += cardChoice;
if (x == 1)
makeCard(cardDrawn, 1);
myVars.cpuCardValue += cardChoice;
如果您按照单副牌规则进行游戏,则必须使用 'bag' 或 'no replacement' 随机值源模型。最初,用所有 52 张可能的牌填满袋子。然后每次迭代,从包中剩余的卡片中随机挑选一张卡片,将其从包中取出。当袋子空了,再装满。
请注意,当从有 n 个剩余物品的袋子中随机抽取一张卡片时,您的随机值,即要拿走的袋子中物品的索引,必须不大于 n-1(假设索引 运行 从 0 到 n-1).
但是,有些二十一点模型是将多副牌一起洗牌;许多赌场都是这样玩的。来自维基百科 Blackjack, rules of play at casinos:
At a casino blackjack table, the dealer faces five to seven playing positions from behind a semicircular table. Between one and eight standard 52-card decks are shuffled together.
如果我对你的代码的理解正确的话,你目前正在为一副 21 点鞋建模,其中有无限多副牌一起洗牌。
我无缘无故地在做一个小黑杰克游戏,我 运行 遇到了一个问题,我不知道我哪里出错了,我唯一能做的就是可以想象的是 'new card' 方法被调用了两次,太快了...
问题是它给两个玩家 同一张牌 :/
谢谢! :)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace BlackJack_Reworked
public partial class BlackJack : Form
public BlackJack()
class myVars
public static int cardsDrawn = 0;
public static int playerX = 230;
public static int playerY = 160;
public static int cpuX = 230;
public static int cpuY = 60;
public static int playerCardValue = 0;
public static int cpuCardValue = 0;
private PictureBox[] card = new PictureBox[100];
private void makeCard(string pickedCard, int x)
card[myVars.cardsDrawn] = new PictureBox();
if (x == 0)
card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Location = new Point(myVars.playerX, myVars.playerY);
myVars.playerX += 15;
if (x == 1)
card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Location = new Point(myVars.cpuX, myVars.cpuY);
myVars.cpuX += 15;
card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Image = (Image)Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(pickedCard);
card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Size = new Size(72, 96);
card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Parent = this;
private void newCard(int x)
Random cardPicker = new Random();
int cardChoice = cardPicker.Next(1, 13);
int houseChoice = cardPicker.Next(1, 4);
string house = null;
switch (houseChoice)
case 1:
house = "Hearts";
case 2:
house = "Diamonds";
case 3:
house = "Spades";
case 4:
house = "Clubs";
if (x == 0)
makeCard(house + Convert.ToString(cardChoice), 0);
myVars.playerCardValue += cardChoice;
if (x == 1)
makeCard(house + Convert.ToString(cardChoice), 1);
myVars.cpuCardValue += cardChoice;
private bool feelingLucky()
Random Dice = new Random();
if (myVars.cpuCardValue >= 20) { return false; }
if (myVars.cpuCardValue <= 16) { return true; }
if (myVars.cpuCardValue >= 17 && myVars.cpuCardValue <= 18) if (Dice.Next(1, 5) == 1) { return true; }
if (myVars.cpuCardValue == 19) if (Dice.Next(1, 10) == 1) { return true; }
return false;
private void updateHandValues()
lblPlayerHand.Text = "Player: " + myVars.playerCardValue.ToString();
lblCPUhand.Text = "CPU: " + myVars.cpuCardValue.ToString();
private void checkScores(bool stand)
if (stand == true)
if (myVars.playerCardValue <= 21 && myVars.playerCardValue > myVars.cpuCardValue)
btnNewGame.Visible = true;
else if (myVars.cpuCardValue <= 21 && myVars.cpuCardValue > myVars.playerCardValue)
btnNewGame.Visible = true;
if (myVars.playerCardValue > 21)
btnNewGame.Visible = true;
if (myVars.cpuCardValue > 21)
btnNewGame.Visible = true;
private void newGame()
for(int x = 0; x < myVars.cardsDrawn; x++) { card[x].Dispose(); }
myVars.cpuCardValue = 0;
myVars.playerCardValue = 0;
myVars.cpuX = 230;
myVars.playerX = 230;
btnNewGame.Visible = false;
newCard(0); newCard(1);
private void btnNewGame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnHit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
newCard(0); newCard(1);
private void btnStand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (feelingLucky() == true) newCard(1);
else checkScores(true);
编辑 这是我的新版本和工作版本的代码,在下面这些好人的帮助下,以防万一有人发现它有用,谢谢大家!
我知道我的逻辑可能不太好,但我觉得我已经从这个小项目中学到了东西,希望其他人也能,现在,是时候想出一些新的东西了。感谢 Whosebug。
Playing Card Pictures Download
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace BlackJack_Reworked
public partial class BlackJack : Form
public BlackJack()
private PictureBox[] Card = new PictureBox[52];
static List<string> Deck = new List<string>();
class myVars
public static int playerX = 230;
public static int cpuX = 230;
public static int playerCardValue = 0;
public static int cpuCardValue = 0;
public static int cardsDrawn = 0;
private void newDeck()
for (int x = 0; x < myVars.cardsDrawn; x++)
for (int x = 0; x < 52; x++)
int cardSuite = (x / 13) + 1;
int faceValue = (x % 13) + 1;
string Suite = null;
switch (cardSuite)
case 1:
Suite = "Hearts";
case 2:
Suite = "Diamonds";
case 3:
Suite = "Spades";
case 4:
Suite = "Clubs";
Deck.Add(Suite + Convert.ToString(faceValue));
myVars.cardsDrawn = myVars.cpuCardValue = myVars.playerCardValue = 0;
myVars.cpuX = myVars.playerX = 230;
private void handCard(string recipient)
Random Random = new Random(); Extensions.Shuffle(Deck);
string pickedCard = Deck[Random.Next(Deck.Count)];
int cardvalue = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Replace(pickedCard, "[^0-9]", ""));
Card[myVars.cardsDrawn] = new PictureBox();
if (recipient == "player") {
Card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Location = new Point(myVars.playerX, 160); myVars.playerX += 15;
myVars.playerCardValue += cardvalue;
if (recipient == "cpu") {
Card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Location = new Point(myVars.cpuX, 60); myVars.cpuX += 15;
myVars.cpuCardValue += cardvalue;
Card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Image = (Image)Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(pickedCard);
Card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Size = new Size(72, 96);
Card[myVars.cardsDrawn].Parent = this;
Deck.Remove(pickedCard); myVars.cardsDrawn++; updateHandValues();
private void updateHandValues()
lblPlayerHand.Text = "Player: " + myVars.playerCardValue.ToString();
lblCPUhand.Text = "CPU: " + myVars.cpuCardValue.ToString();
private void newGame()
lblBlackJack.Text = "♠ Blackjack ♥";
btnNewGame.Visible = false;
newDeck(); handCard("player"); handCard("cpu");
private void checkCards()
if (playerWins() == true)
lblBlackJack.Text = "♠ You Win! ♥";
btnNewGame.Visible = true;
else if (playerWins() == false)
lblBlackJack.Text = "♠ Dealer Wins! ♥";
btnNewGame.Visible = true;
private void tieBreak()
if (myVars.cpuCardValue == myVars.playerCardValue && myVars.cpuCardValue >= 17)
lblBlackJack.Text = "♠ Tie! ♥";
btnNewGame.Visible = true;
else { checkCards(); }
private bool? playerWins()
if(myVars.cpuCardValue == 21 || myVars.playerCardValue > 21) { return false; }
if(myVars.playerCardValue == 21 || myVars.cpuCardValue > 21) { return true; }
else { return null; }
private bool cpuShouldPlay(bool stand)
Random Dice = new Random();
if (stand == false)
if (myVars.cpuCardValue <= 15) { return true; }
if (myVars.cpuCardValue >= 20 && myVars.cpuCardValue <= 21 && myVars.cpuCardValue > myVars.playerCardValue) { return false; }
if (myVars.cpuCardValue == 19 && myVars.cpuCardValue < myVars.playerCardValue) { return true; } else { return false; }
if(myVars.cpuCardValue < myVars.playerCardValue)
return true;
else { return false; }
private void btnNewGame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnHit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
handCard("player"); if(cpuShouldPlay(false) == true) handCard("cpu"); checkCards();
private void btnStand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (cpuShouldPlay(true) == true) handCard("cpu"); tieBreak();
public static class Extensions
public static void Shuffle<T>(this IList<T> list)
Random rng = new Random();
int n = list.Count;
while (n > 1)
int k = rng.Next(n + 1);
T value = list[k];
list[k] = list[n];
list[n] = value;
您正在新卡片方法中声明一个新的 Random()。
最好的办法是在方法之外创建 random 的实例,并每次都传递 random,这样每次调用都不会得到相同的数字。
Random.Next 方法根据当前时间戳和先前生成的数字(称为 'seed')生成随机数。当您每次创建 Random 的新对象时,它都会使用相同的种子进行初始化。在您的情况下,时间戳和种子不会更改为随机的 'Next' 方法。
如果您对所有操作使用单个 Random 对象,则每次调用 'next' 时种子都会改变。
注意:创建一个新鞋,假设您的卡片数量为 20。
List<string> aShoe = new List<string>(); //shoe contains 4 to 8 decks. Depending upon blackjack version.
int numberOfDeckPerShoe = 4;
private void CreateNewDeck()
for(int i =0;i <numberOfDeckPerShoe;i++)
for(int j=0;j<52;j++)
int cardFace = (j%13)+1;
int cardSuite = (j/13) + 1;
string Suite = null;
switch (cardSuite)
case 1:
Suite = "Hearts";
case 2:
Suite = "Diamonds";
case 3:
Suite = "Spades";
case 4:
Suite = "Clubs";
aShoe.add(Suite + Convert.ToString(cardFace));
Random cardPicker = new Random(); //This is change
private void newCard(int x)
int cardChoice = 0;
int houseChoice = 0;
string cardDrawn = "";
int cardToDraow = cardPicker.Next(0,aShoe.length);
cardDrawn = card aShoe[cardToDraow];
if (x == 0)
makeCard(cardDrawn, 0);
myVars.playerCardValue += cardChoice;
if (x == 1)
makeCard(cardDrawn, 1);
myVars.cpuCardValue += cardChoice;
如果您按照单副牌规则进行游戏,则必须使用 'bag' 或 'no replacement' 随机值源模型。最初,用所有 52 张可能的牌填满袋子。然后每次迭代,从包中剩余的卡片中随机挑选一张卡片,将其从包中取出。当袋子空了,再装满。
请注意,当从有 n 个剩余物品的袋子中随机抽取一张卡片时,您的随机值,即要拿走的袋子中物品的索引,必须不大于 n-1(假设索引 运行 从 0 到 n-1).
但是,有些二十一点模型是将多副牌一起洗牌;许多赌场都是这样玩的。来自维基百科 Blackjack, rules of play at casinos:
At a casino blackjack table, the dealer faces five to seven playing positions from behind a semicircular table. Between one and eight standard 52-card decks are shuffled together.
如果我对你的代码的理解正确的话,你目前正在为一副 21 点鞋建模,其中有无限多副牌一起洗牌。