Angular ui-路由器解析不工作

Angular ui-router resolve not working

我正在尝试在主状态解析函数中加载一个获取服务 JSON 函数,这样我就可以将数据存储到范围变量中。



以下代码部分有效。帐户解析功能被成功调用,甚至 $http returns 也是一个承诺(虽然状态 === 0)。问题是当帐户函数解析 state.controller is never being called.

                url: '/',
                views: {
                    'header': {
                        templateUrl: '../views/templates/partials/header.html',
                    'content': {
                        templateUrl: '../views/templates/partials/content.html' 
                    'footer': {
                        templateUrl: '../views/templates/partials/footer.html',
                resolve: {
                    account:  function($timeout, accountFactory){
                        return $http({method: 'GET', url: '/account.json'});
                controller: ['$scope', 'account',  function($scope, account){
                    // You can be sure that promiseObj is ready to use!
                    $ = account;
            .state('app.accessory', {
                url: 'accessory',
                views: {
                    'content@': {
                        templateUrl: '../views/accessory/listing.html',
                        controller: 'accessoryListingCtrl',
                        controllerAs: 'vm'


我不知道为什么控制器没有被调用。但是您可以先确保 resolve 总是 return data.

resolve: {
    account:  function($timeout, accountFactory){
        return $http({method: 'GET', url: '/account.json'})
                function(data) { return data; },
                function(error) { return error; });



    views: {
      'filters': {
        templateUrl: 'report-filters.html',
        controller: function($scope){ ... controller stuff just for filters view ... }
      'tabledata': {
        templateUrl: 'report-table.html',
        controller: function($scope){ ... controller stuff just for tabledata view ... }
      'graph': {
        templateUrl: 'report-graph.html',
        controller: function($scope){ ... controller stuff just for graph view ... }