Wildfly vs undertow 嵌入式性能

Wildfly vs undertow embedded performances

我对嵌入式 undertow 技术很感兴趣,因为这样我就不必在每次项目更改机器时都重新配置 standalone.xml。然后我可以 运行 .jar.



I wasn't clear enough. Say I have a web app called webapp.war. Assume I also move it around between different cloud platform. Each time I try another cloud platform, I have to redownload wildfly and reconfigure standalone.xml if I use wildfly server instead of undertow embedded. If however I use undertow embedded, I can do the configuration ONCE in the embedded server that is part of the app jar (that links to webapp.war). I wanna skip this whole configuration each time I change a cloud platform. So my 2 questions were : Is it possible to have a scenario under wildfly where the conf is part of my project and not the server. And the second question was : If I can't do that with wildfly, then I can do it with undertow embedded API. However I'm afraid there is a performance cost to that. Is that the case ?

Undertow 是一个 Servlet 容器。它本身并不知道 WildFly 是什么,也不知道如何根据 standalone.xml 配置任何东西。如果你只是想要一个可执行的 JAR,我建议你看看 WildFly Swarm.