Python - 旗帜面积

Python - Area of a Flag

正在尝试求解 Building Skills with Python,旗帜区域。我正在尝试解决蓝色区域,但我偏离了大约 2%。此外,当我将其他区域加起来时,总数不等于旗帜本身的面积。我的代码如下:

import math

def area_star(width):
    a = 36.00
    b = 72.00

    radius_star = 0.0308 * width

    a_radians = float(a) * float(math.pi) / float(180)
    b_radians = float(b) * float(math.pi) / float(180)

    a_sin = math.sin(float(a_radians)/float(2))
    b_sin = math.sin(float(b_radians)/float(2))

    top = a_sin*b_sin

    c_radians = float((a+b)*math.pi)/float(180) 
    c_sin = math.sin(c_radians)

    bottom = 0.5 * c_sin    
    return 5 * float(top)/float(bottom) * radius_star * radius_star
def fifty_stars(width):
    return 50 * area_star(width)
def calculate_areas(width):
    WIDTH = width
    length = 1.9 * WIDTH
    width_union = float(7)/float(13) * WIDTH
    length_union = 0.76*WIDTH

    width_strip = float(1)/float(width_strip_denom)*WIDTH

    blue_area = length_union * width_union - fifty_stars(WIDTH)
    white_area = 3 * width_strip * (length*length_union)+3*width_strip*length+fifty_stars(WIDTH)
    red_area = 4 * width_strip*(length*length_union)+3*width_strip*length

    print 'Our width was given as : %f' %WIDTH
    print 'Our length calculates as : %f' %length

    print 'Width of our union is: %f' %width_union
    print 'Length of our union is: %f' %length_union

    print 'Area of a star is %f'%area_star(WIDTH)
    print 'Area of 50 stars is %f'%fifty_stars(WIDTH)

    print 'Area of our flag in total is : %f '%(WIDTH*length)
    print 'Actual WHITE AREA is %f'%white_area
    print 'Actual RED AREA is %f'%red_area
    print 'Expected BLUE AREA is %f' %(WIDTH*length*.1873)
    print 'Actual BLUE AREA is %f'%blue_area

    print 'SumofallAreas: %f' % (red_area+white_area+blue_area)



Our hoist was given as : 1.000000
Our length calculates as : 1.900000
Width of our union is: 0.538462
Length of our union is: 0.760000
Area of a star is 0.001812
Area of 50 stars is 0.090587
Area of our flag in total is : 1.900000 
Actual WHITE AREA is 0.792126
Actual RED AREA is 0.789231
Expected BLUE AREA is 0.355870
Actual BLUE AREA is 0.318644
SumofallAreas: 1.900000

关于 Float 有什么可以解释差异的吗?还是我的代码本身有问题?


import math
from fractions import Fraction

def area_star(width):
    a = 36.00
    b = 72.00

    radius_star = 0.0308 * width

    a_radians = float(a) * float(math.pi) / float(180)
    b_radians = float(b) * float(math.pi) / float(180)

    a_sin = math.sin(float(a_radians)/float(2))
    b_sin = math.sin(float(b_radians)/float(2))

    top = a_sin*b_sin

    c_radians = float((a+b)*math.pi)/float(180) 
    c_sin = math.sin(c_radians)

    bottom = 0.5 * c_sin    
    return 5 * float(top)/float(bottom) * radius_star * radius_star

def fifty_stars(width):
    return 50 * area_star(width)

def calculate_areas(width):
    hoist = width
    fly = hoist * Fraction(19,10)

    jack_hoist = Fraction(7,13) * hoist 
    jack_fly = Fraction(76,100)*hoist


    width_strip = Fraction(1,width_strip_denom)*hoist

    blue_area = jack_fly * jack_hoist - fifty_stars(hoist)
    white_area = 3 * width_strip * (fly-jack_fly)+3*width_strip*fly+fifty_stars(hoist)
    red_area = 4 * width_strip*(fly-jack_fly)+3*width_strip*fly

    print 'Our hoist was given as : %f' %hoist
    print 'Our length calculates as : %f' %fly

    print 'Width of our union is: %f' %jack_hoist
    print 'Length of our union is: %f' %jack_fly

    print 'Area of a star is %f'%area_star(hoist)
    print 'Area of 50 stars is %f'%fifty_stars(hoist)

    print 'Area of our flag in total is : %f '%(hoist*fly)
    print 'Actual WHITE AREA is %f'%white_area
    print 'Actual RED AREA is %f'%red_area
    print 'Expected BLUE AREA is %f' %(hoist*fly*.1873)
    print 'Actual BLUE AREA is %f'%blue_area

    print 'SumofallAreas: %f' % (red_area+white_area+blue_area)


Python 已知在处理浮点运算时存在问题。

这里有更多信息给你Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations

编辑: 还有一个解决 same/similar 问题的先前堆栈 Python rounding error with float numbers [duplicate]

浮点精度问题不会导致您的计算出现如此大的偏差。您的代码中只有错误。具体来说,根据您的输出,Expected BLUE AREA is 0.355870Actual BLUE AREA is 0.318644 是由使用明显不同的计算造成的。

我可以通过快速查看识别出一个潜在问题:width_unionlength_union 是否都应该相对于标志的宽度进行计算?

您可能还有其他错误,很难看到整个代码中散落着这么多 "magic numbers"...(例如 float(7)/float(13)0.76)。

首先,在这种情况下引用 'length' 和 'width' 可能会造成混淆;最好使用旗帜学术语 'hoist'(平行于旗杆的维度)和 'fly'(垂直于旗杆的维度)。

其次,您的电话号码已关闭。您将 length*length_union 用于高条纹的飞行,但这是不正确的。另外 length_union 不是苍蝇的比例,而是提升机的比例,它已经乘出来了,所以你不应该再乘它。在任何情况下,您都不需要州的苍蝇,而是条纹的苍蝇,即总苍蝇 减去 州。

我还没有检查你剩下的数学,但如果你使用 length-length_union 而不是 length*length_union 你可能会得到更好的结果。

忽略星星,你得到这些区域,如果这有助于你调试的话。就像在您的代码中一样,1.0 是一面与吊机相同的方形旗帜的面积;因此整个旗帜的面积为 1.9.

red = 513/650 (~ 0.789231)
white stripes only = 228/325 (~ 0.701538)
blue canton + white stars = 133/325 (~ 0.409231)
total = (513 + 228 * 2 + 133 * 2)/650 = 1235/650 = 1.9


如果你确实想要更高的精度,你可以切换到使用 fractions 模块的精确有理算术:

from fractions import Fraction
hoist = 1
fly = hoist * Fraction(19,10)
stripe_hoist = hoist * Fraction(1,13)
canton_hoist = 7 * stripe_hoist
canton_fly = fly * Fraction(2, 5)



注意: from __future__ 使除法像 Python 3 一样工作,其中 1/2 = 0.5,而不是 Python 中的 0 2. 这清理了数学。

此外,使用与问题陈述相同的变量可以更轻松地输入和验证公式。我发现 K 的两个版本没有给出相同的答案,所以独立解决了这个问题,发现 5*K 的黄金比例版本得到了与我对恒星面积相同的答案。

from __future__ import division
from math import sin,pi

Wf = 1.0
Lf = 1.9 * Wf
A = Wf * Lf
Wu = 7/13 * Wf
Lu = .76 * Wf
R = .0308 * Wf
Sr = 7
Sw = 6
Ns = 50
Ws = 1/(Sr+Sw) * Wf

a = 36 * pi/180
b = 72 * pi/180
GR = (1 + 5**.5)/2
K = sin(b/2)/GR**2 * (R**2) # Golden ratio version of K was correct, other was wrong.
S = 5 * K

Red = 4 * Ws * (Lf - Lu) + 3 * Ws * Lf
White = 3 * Ws * (Lf - Lu) + 3 * Ws * Lf + Ns * S
Blue = (Lu * Wu) - Ns * S   # Error on problem page used (Lu - Wu)

print('Red   =',Red)
print('White =',White)
print('Blue  =',Blue)
print('total =',Red+White+Blue)
print('Red   = {:%}'.format(Red/A))
print('White = {:%}'.format(White/A))
print('Blue  = {:%}'.format(Blue/A))


Red   = 0.7892307692307692
White = 0.7547841990012687
Blue  = 0.355985031767962
total = 1.9
Red   = 41.538462%
White = 39.725484%
Blue  = 18.736054%