React Relay:向边缘添加数据

React Relay: Adding data to edges

目前我的 graphql 模式由用户类型、投票类型和投票类型组成,其中用户和投票与其投票具有一对多关系,使用中继连接。 投票类型包含对其选民和民意调查的引用、时间戳和实际投票值。

现在,据我了解,在规则 graphql 列表上使用连接的优势之一是能够在边缘存储数据(除了分页等...)。 我该怎么做?



听起来您离想要的东西真的很近了。我认为使用 Vote 类型作为 User 和 Poll 之间的中间人是一个很好的解决方案。这样做可以让您发出类似这样的查询:

// Direction 1: User -> Vote -> Poll
query GetUser($id: "abc") {
  getUser(id: $id) {
    votes(first: 10) {
      edges {
        node {
          poll {

// Direction 2: Poll -> Vote -> User
query GetPoll($id: "xyz") {
  getPoll(id: $id) {
    votes(first: 10) {
      edges {
        node {
          user {

在此示例中,您的投票类型是沿边存储信息的实体。 Connections 优于 Lists 的一个优势是你可以沿边缘存储信息,这是正确的,但我想说更大的好处是能够对大型对象集进行分页。

要在服务器上实现此功能,您必须为 User 和 Poll 上的连接字段(即上例中的 'votes' 字段)编写自定义解析方法。这将根据您存储数据的方式而改变,但这里有一些伪代码作为一个想法。

type Vote {
  value: String,
  poll: Poll, // Both poll & user would have resolve functions to grab their respective object.
  user: User

type VoteEdge {
  node: Vote,
  cursor: String // an opaque cursor used in the 'before' & 'after' pagination args

type PageInfo {
  hasNextPage: Boolean,
  hasPreviousPage: Boolean

type VotesConnectionPayload {
  edges: [VoteEdge],
  pageInfo: PageInfo

const UserType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'User',
  fields: () => ({
    id: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLID),
      description: "A unique identifier."
    username: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
      description: "A username",
    votes: {
      type: VotesConnectionPayload,
      description: "A paginated set of the user's votes",
      args: { // pagination args
        first: {
          type: GraphQLInt
        after: {
          type: GraphQLString
        last: {
          type: GraphQLInt
        before: {
          type: GraphQLString
      resolve: (parent, paginationArgs, ctxt) => {

        // You can pass a reference to your data source in the ctxt.
        const db = ctxt.db;

        // Go get the full set of votes for my user. Preferably this returns a cursor
        // to the set so you don't pull everything over the network
        return db.getVotesForUser( => {

          // Assume we have a pagination function that applies the pagination args
          // See for more details
          return paginate(votes, paginationArgs);

        }).then((paginatedVotes, pageInfo) => {

          // Format the votes as a connection payload.
          const edges = => {

            // There are many ways to handle cursors but lets assume
            // we have a magic function that gets one.
            return {
              cursor: getCursor(vote),
              node: vote


          return {
            edges: edges,
            pageInfo: pageInfo

您必须在反向投票类型中执行类似的操作。要将对象添加到连接,您需要做的就是创建一个指向正确用户和 Post 的投票对象。 db.getVotesForUser() 方法应该足够聪明,可以意识到这是一个一对多连接,然后可以提取正确的对象。

创建处理连接的标准方式可能是一项艰巨的任务,但幸运的是,有一些服务可以帮助您开始使用 GraphQL,而无需自己实现所有后端逻辑。我为一项这样的服务工作,如果您有兴趣,我很乐意与您进一步讨论这个解决方案!

使用单独的 Vote 实体建模可能更好,如 , however, to address the more general question of "how do I define additional fields on an edge?", note that you can pass edgeFields into the connectionDefinitions function in the graphql-relay module 中所述。

有个例子in the test suite:

var {connectionType: friendConnection} = connectionDefinitions({
  name: 'Friend',
  nodeType: userType,
  resolveNode: edge => allUsers[edge.node],
  edgeFields: () => ({
    friendshipTime: {
      type: GraphQLString,
      resolve: () => 'Yesterday'
  connectionFields: () => ({
    totalCount: {
      type: GraphQLInt,
      resolve: () => allUsers.length - 1