IBM 视觉识别分类器状态失败

IBM Visual Recognition Classifier status failed

我有以下 IBM Watson Visual Recognition Python SDK 用于创建简单的分类器:

with open(os.path.dirname("/home/xxx/Desktop/"), 'rb') as dogs, \ 
    open(os.path.dirname("/home/xxx/Desktop/"), 'rb') as cats:
    print(json.dumps(visual_recognition.create_classifier('Dogs Vs Cats',dogs_positive_examples=dogs,negative_examples=cats), indent=2))

带有新分类器 ID 及其状态的响应如下:

  "status": "training", 
  "name": "Dogs Vs Cats", 
  "created": "2016-06-23T06:30:00.115Z", 
  "classes": [
      "class": "dogs"
  "owner": "840ad7db-1e17-47bd-9961-fc43f35d2ad0", 
  "classifier_id": "DogsVsCats_250748237"


打印(json.dumps(visual_recognition.list_classifiers(), 缩进=4))

    "classifiers": [
            "status": "failed", 
            "classifier_id": "DogsVsCats_250748237", 
            "name": "Dogs Vs Cats"



The service accepts a maximum of 10,000 images or 100 MB per .zip file

The service requires a minimum of 10 images per .zip file.

The service accepts a maximum of 256 MB per training call.


The POST /v3/classify methods accept a maximum of 20 images per batch.

The POST /v3/detect_faces methods accept a maximum of 15 images per batch.

The POST /v3/recognize_text methods accept a maximum of 10 images per batch.

with open(os.path.dirname("/home/xxx/Desktop/"), 'rb') as dogs, \ 
    open(os.path.dirname("/home/xxx/Desktop/"), 'rb') as cats:
    print(json.dumps(visual_recognition.create_classifier('Dogs Vs Cats',dogs_positive_examples=dogs,negative_examples=cats), indent=2))

您正在发送相同的文件内容 "" 供服务用作正例和反例。然而,系统需要至少 10 个正例图像和 10 个负例图像,它们是 独特的 。该服务在训练前比较图像文件内容的哈希码,并只在正集中留下任何重复项。因此,去重后你的否定集是空的,导致训练失败。在您的分类器详细信息的详细列表中应该有一个名为 "explanation" 的附加字段,说明这可能是问题所在。