为什么我不能将通配符 (?) 用作参数类型、字段、局部变量或方法的 return 类型?

Why can't I use the wildcard (?) as type of parameter, field, local variable, or as return type of a method?

Oracle doc about Wildcards in generics 说,

The wildcard can be used in a variety of situations: as the type of a parameter, field, or local variable; sometimes as a return type (though it is better programming practice to be more specific).

我已经尝试了以下所有四种 class,并且每一种都出现编译器错误。为什么?我做错了什么?

public class MainClass {
    private ? instanceFieldWithWildCardType;//ERROR
    private static ? staticFieldWithWildCardType;//ERROR

    private void methodWithWildCardParam(? param) {}//ERROR

    private void methodWithWildCardLocalVariable() {
        ? localVariableWithWildCardType;//ERROR

    private ? methodWithWildCardReturnType() {//ERROR
        return null;

    private void methodWithWildCardParam(? param) {}//ERROR


? 字符是 wildcard type argument


In generic code, the question mark (?), called the wildcard, represents an unknown type.


as the type of a parameter


public static void shuffle(List<?> list) {

as a local variable

public void method() {
    List<?> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);


The wildcard is never used as a type argument for a generic method invocation, a generic class instance creation, or a supertype.


Arrays.<?>asList(1, "", '5');
List<?> list = new ArrayList<?>();
public class MyList implements List<?> {/* whatever */}

通配符可以和<>运算符一起使用在泛型概念中引入java5,用于表示未知类型.泛型用于在广义 format.If 中定义一个 class 成员,你想提供便利,在创建对象时,用户将指定成员的类型,然后你可以使用泛型的概念。它只能用于实例成员,不能与静态成员一起使用,因为静态成员的内存只会分配一次。

泛型中引入的通配符概念来限制未知类型,假设我有一个包含通配符的列表,并且这个通配符扩展了 Number wrapper class。这意味着列表可以与 Integer、Long、Short、Byte 一起使用,因为它们扩展了 Number wrapper class 但不能与 String 一起使用,因为 String class 不扩展 Number wrapper class。

List<? extends Number> lt = new ArrayList<>();

来到你的程序,你使用了错误的语法,正如我提到的,通配符可以与 <> 运算符一起使用。

We can't use wildcard while instantiating class like mentioned bellow -

 List<?> lt = new ArrayList<?>();

但我们可以使用泛型将字段提供为未知类型,例如员工 class 中的 I、N、S。这是我们在创建 class -

class Employee<I,N,S>
    I eid;
    N empName;
    S empSalary;

class Name
   String firstName;
   String middleName;
   String lastName;

class salary
    double basic;
    float it;
    float tds;
    double netsal;

class CustomId
   int empId;
   String department;
   int branchId;

main method 

    Employee<Integer,String,Double> emp = new Employee<>();
    Employee<String,Name,Salary> emp2 = new Employee<>();
    Employee<CustomId,String,Salary> emp3 = new Employee<>();

Wildcard as method parameter -

public void sortList(List<?> lt)
   // code to sort the list whether it is integer, String etc
call sortList() method
List<String> lt = new List<>();

List<Integer> lt = new List<>();

Declaring local variable as wildcard -

 List<?> lt = new ArayList<String>();
 List<?> lt = new ArayList<Integer>();

We can use wildcard and generics as return type of method. Here is the example of generics as return type of method -

public T getName(ClassName obj, Key key)
    return (Type<T>)obj.getType(Key);


    List<?> method(List<?> data) 
        return data;    


public class Example {
    ? field1;        // invalid
    List<?> field2;  // valid

    private ? method1(? param) {return param;}              // invalid
    private List<?> method2(List<?> param) {return param;}  // valid

    private void method3() {
        ? var1;        // invalid
        List<?> var2;  // valid

通配符没有单独的存在。它们总是用作泛型的类型参数 类 例如:List<? extends Number>。我举一个涵盖所有场景的例子。

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

class A{

    // I have not make use of this anywhere in this example
    List<? extends Number> l1; //Field;

    //Just taking l2 as parameter
    //Wont be using it also
    //Just tp show wildcard with generic as parameter
    public List<? extends Number> operate(List<? extends Number> l2){ //As return Type; Not recommended Approach

        List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
        list.add(new Integer(6));
        return list;


public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<? extends Number> ar = new ArrayList<Integer>(); //Local Variable
        A obj = new A();