模板字符串 ES6 防止换行
Template Strings ES6 prevent line breaks
我有一个很长的字符串,我使用 ES6 模板字符串构建它,但我希望它没有换行符:
var string = `As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
For example, below we can use expression interpolation to
embed for some readable inline math:`
As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
For example, below we can use expression interpolation to
embed for some readable inline math:
As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names. For example, below we can use expression interpolation to embed for some readable inline math:
换行符就是换行符...如果您手动生成它们,我发现您在 运行 时间内得到它们是非常令人期待的。
将您的 IDE 或代码编辑器配置为自动换行,这样您就无需在不需要的代码中添加换行符:您的编辑器会破坏您的如果每个代码句子超出配置的最大字符数,则代码分两行或更多行。
var string = `As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
For example, below we can use expression interpolation to
embed for some readable inline math:`.replace(/\n/gm,"");
注意:此处您运行正在使用函数 运行time 来格式化您的 buildtime 代码,这可能看起来像反模式,并且会影响性能
- 使用连接执行这些代码换行符:
var string = `As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript`
+ `expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.`
+ `For example, below we can use expression interpolation to`
+ `embed for some readable inline math:`;
就我而言,我会选择 #1 选项。
var string = [
`As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript`,
`expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.`,
`For example, below we can use expression interpolation to`,
`embed for some readable inline math:`
].join(' ');
如果你有ES6,你可以使用标签。例如,the stripIndent tag from the common-tags library:
npm install common-tags --save
const stripIndent = require('common-tags/lib/stripIndent')
As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
For example, below we can use expression interpolation to
embed for some readable inline math:
编辑: 如评论中所述,您可能需要选择:const oneLine = require('common-tags/lib/oneLine')
有关上述 common-tags link 以及 this blog
这里几乎每个答案都建议 运行 函数 runtime 以便 well-format、buildtime bad-formatted text oO 我是唯一一个对这一事实感到震惊的人吗,尤其是对性能的影响???
如@dandavis 所述,official solution(顺便说一下,这也是 unix shell 脚本的历史解决方案)是为了逃避马车 return,嗯,转义符:\
`foo \
bar` === 'foo bar'
配置 IDE 进行换行并使用模板字符串 1-liner,如第一个代码片段中所示。
在换行符之前使用 \
const string = `1st line\
2nd line\
3rd line`;
但它不会使您免于 space-对齐问题。
要么使用带有“+”的老式 ES5 连接。
const string = '1st line' +
'2nd line' +
'3rd line';
要么使用 hack 模板空字符串 var ${''}:
const string = `1st line${''
}2nd line${''
}3rd line`;
- 较少符号(大小方面)
- 无运行时操作(性能方面)
在 ES6 中,我更喜欢在这里使用两个最佳答案的组合(\
与 .replace()
是一个正则表达式,选择两个或更多 back-to-back 个空格的任何实例。
const myMessage = `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id urna \
ligula. Suspendisse lobortis ex ut vestibulum venenatis. Donec imperdiet ante odio, \
nec malesuada diam tristique eget. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing \
elit. Cras in vulputate tellus.`
.replace(/\s{2,}/g, "");
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id urna ligula. Suspendisse lobortis ex ut vestibulum venenatis. Donec imperdiet ante odio, nec malesuada diam tristique eget. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit. Cras in vulputate tellus."
对于段落,您可以使用 \s+
正则表达式将白色 space 替换为单个 space,这样它就可以用于换行和缩进。因此,对于您的情况,只需在末尾添加 .replace(/\s+/gm, ' ')
var string = `As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
For example, below we can use expression interpolation to
embed for some readable inline math:`.replace(/\s+/gm, ' ');
const str = `some long text on ${
"multiple" } lines without any extra ${
"spaces" } or line breaks and readable.`;
// "some long text on multiple lines without any extra spaces or line breaks and readable."
我有一个很长的字符串,我使用 ES6 模板字符串构建它,但我希望它没有换行符:
var string = `As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
For example, below we can use expression interpolation to
embed for some readable inline math:`
As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
For example, below we can use expression interpolation to
embed for some readable inline math:
As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names. For example, below we can use expression interpolation to embed for some readable inline math:
换行符就是换行符...如果您手动生成它们,我发现您在 运行 时间内得到它们是非常令人期待的。
将您的 IDE 或代码编辑器配置为自动换行,这样您就无需在不需要的代码中添加换行符:您的编辑器会破坏您的如果每个代码句子超出配置的最大字符数,则代码分两行或更多行。
var string = `As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names. For example, below we can use expression interpolation to embed for some readable inline math:`.replace(/\n/gm,"");
注意:此处您运行正在使用函数 运行time 来格式化您的 buildtime 代码,这可能看起来像反模式,并且会影响性能
- 使用连接执行这些代码换行符:
var string = `As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript` + `expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.` + `For example, below we can use expression interpolation to` + `embed for some readable inline math:`;
就我而言,我会选择 #1 选项。
var string = [
`As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript`,
`expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.`,
`For example, below we can use expression interpolation to`,
`embed for some readable inline math:`
].join(' ');
如果你有ES6,你可以使用标签。例如,the stripIndent tag from the common-tags library:
npm install common-tags --save
const stripIndent = require('common-tags/lib/stripIndent')
As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
For example, below we can use expression interpolation to
embed for some readable inline math:
编辑: 如评论中所述,您可能需要选择:const oneLine = require('common-tags/lib/oneLine')
有关上述 common-tags link 以及 this blog
这里几乎每个答案都建议 运行 函数 runtime 以便 well-format、buildtime bad-formatted text oO 我是唯一一个对这一事实感到震惊的人吗,尤其是对性能的影响???
如@dandavis 所述,official solution(顺便说一下,这也是 unix shell 脚本的历史解决方案)是为了逃避马车 return,嗯,转义符:\
`foo \
bar` === 'foo bar'
配置 IDE 进行换行并使用模板字符串 1-liner,如第一个代码片段中所示。
const string = `1st line\ 2nd line\ 3rd line`;
但它不会使您免于 space-对齐问题。
要么使用带有“+”的老式 ES5 连接。
const string = '1st line' + '2nd line' + '3rd line';
要么使用 hack 模板空字符串 var ${''}:
const string = `1st line${'' }2nd line${'' }3rd line`;
- 较少符号(大小方面)
- 无运行时操作(性能方面)
在 ES6 中,我更喜欢在这里使用两个最佳答案的组合(\
与 .replace()
是一个正则表达式,选择两个或更多 back-to-back 个空格的任何实例。
const myMessage = `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id urna \
ligula. Suspendisse lobortis ex ut vestibulum venenatis. Donec imperdiet ante odio, \
nec malesuada diam tristique eget. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing \
elit. Cras in vulputate tellus.`
.replace(/\s{2,}/g, "");
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id urna ligula. Suspendisse lobortis ex ut vestibulum venenatis. Donec imperdiet ante odio, nec malesuada diam tristique eget. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit. Cras in vulputate tellus."
对于段落,您可以使用 \s+
正则表达式将白色 space 替换为单个 space,这样它就可以用于换行和缩进。因此,对于您的情况,只需在末尾添加 .replace(/\s+/gm, ' ')
var string = `As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
For example, below we can use expression interpolation to
embed for some readable inline math:`.replace(/\s+/gm, ' ');
const str = `some long text on ${
"multiple" } lines without any extra ${
"spaces" } or line breaks and readable.`;
// "some long text on multiple lines without any extra spaces or line breaks and readable."