为什么 jar 清单文件不应包含超过 72 字节的行
Why jar Manifest file shouldn't contain lines with more than 72 bytes
jar 清单长度中的行长度不应超过 72 个字节,为什么对行长度有这样的限制?
还是 JVM 在 1996 年首次发布时面临的老问题?
来自 this post:
That said, there is no reason why code that reads manifest files,
as in Manifest.java, cannot simply accept input lines of ANY length.
The 72-byte restriction is a restriction inherited from RFC 822,
but that is a network communication protocol designed for maximal
legacy portability for the 70s, which should not be an issue any more.
你是对的,规范 RFC 822 是在考虑非常非常古老的计算机系统的情况下制定的。然而,限制仍然存在的原因是因为 .jar 格式是不同 Java 实现之间的可互换格式,因此他们试图继续支持旧工具的旧格式。但是,不再有性能原因。
jar 清单长度中的行长度不应超过 72 个字节,为什么对行长度有这样的限制?
还是 JVM 在 1996 年首次发布时面临的老问题?
来自 this post:
That said, there is no reason why code that reads manifest files, as in Manifest.java, cannot simply accept input lines of ANY length. The 72-byte restriction is a restriction inherited from RFC 822, but that is a network communication protocol designed for maximal legacy portability for the 70s, which should not be an issue any more.
你是对的,规范 RFC 822 是在考虑非常非常古老的计算机系统的情况下制定的。然而,限制仍然存在的原因是因为 .jar 格式是不同 Java 实现之间的可互换格式,因此他们试图继续支持旧工具的旧格式。但是,不再有性能原因。