介绍模式示例 (p1 & ... & pn) 不起作用

example for introduction pattern (p1 & ... & pn) does not work

我正在阅读 Coq (8.5p1) 参考手册,

introduction via (p1 & ... & pn) is a shortcut for introduction via (p1,(...,(...,pn)...)); it expects the hypothesis to be a sequence of right-associative binary inductive constructors such as conj or ex_intro; for instance, an hypothesis with type A/(exists x, B/\C/\D) can be introduced via pattern (a & x & b & c & d);


Goal forall A B C D: Prop, A/\(exists x:nat, B/\C/\D) -> D.
intros (a & x & b & c & d).

但是 Coq 告诉我:

Error: Not an inductive product.

我在其他一些变体中遇到了同样的错误,例如没有 -> D.



由于您的目标以forall A B C D: Prop,开头,您需要先介绍A B C D

intros A B C D (a & x & b & c & d).


Goal forall A B C D: Prop,
    A /\ (exists x:nat, B /\ C /\ D) -> D.
intros A B C D (_ & _ & _ & _ & d). assumption. Qed.

Goal forall A B C D: Prop,
    A /\ (exists x:nat, B /\ C /\ D) -> D.
intros A B C D [_ [_ [_ [_ d]]]]. assumption. Qed.
