将场景转换为 BPMN 的步骤是什么?
What are the steps to convert a Scenario to BPMN?
Every weekday morning, the database is backed up and then it is checked to see whether the “Account Defaulter” table has new records. If no new records are found, then the process should check the CRM system to see whether new returns have been filed. If new returns exist, then register all defaulting accounts and customers. If the defaulting client codes have not been previously advised, produce another table of defaulting accounts and send to account management. All of this must be completed by 2:30 pm, if it is not, then an alert should be sent to the supervisor. Once the new defaulting account report has been completed, check the CRM system to see whether new returns have been filed. If new returns have been filed, reconcile with the existing account defaulters table. This must be completed by 4:00 pm otherwise a supervisor should be sent a message.
您可以将 these funny instructions 作为起点,但它们是由傻瓜为傻瓜制作的。
通常,您应该在 sheet 纸上示意性地概述流程步骤和流程参与者,并尝试构建您的模型。别无他法:只能集思广益。
当想到 BPMN 时,人们会想到会议室里的人们一起讨论业务如何做事(创建您所说的场景并将其转化为业务流程)并在白板上画框和线条。
自 2012 年以来,当 BPMN 2.0 作为 Object 管理组 (OMG) 规范出现时,我们拥有非常全面的 532-page .pdf file,其中包含创建人们需要的流程图的几乎所有信息。
尽管如此,除了阅读之前的文件之外,还可以找到许多常见建模问题的 BPMN 示例、模式、书籍和研究论文,它们有助于理解某些场景是如何实现的。
然后,一旦构建了干净简单的图表,就可以验证可视化(IRL 与否)执行活动的用户/参与者。
我明天要考试,老实说到现在我都不知道设计给定场景应该经过哪些步骤。 例如,当你看到这样的场景时
Every weekday morning, the database is backed up and then it is checked to see whether the “Account Defaulter” table has new records. If no new records are found, then the process should check the CRM system to see whether new returns have been filed. If new returns exist, then register all defaulting accounts and customers. If the defaulting client codes have not been previously advised, produce another table of defaulting accounts and send to account management. All of this must be completed by 2:30 pm, if it is not, then an alert should be sent to the supervisor. Once the new defaulting account report has been completed, check the CRM system to see whether new returns have been filed. If new returns have been filed, reconcile with the existing account defaulters table. This must be completed by 4:00 pm otherwise a supervisor should be sent a message.
您可以将 these funny instructions 作为起点,但它们是由傻瓜为傻瓜制作的。 通常,您应该在 sheet 纸上示意性地概述流程步骤和流程参与者,并尝试构建您的模型。别无他法:只能集思广益。
当想到 BPMN 时,人们会想到会议室里的人们一起讨论业务如何做事(创建您所说的场景并将其转化为业务流程)并在白板上画框和线条。
自 2012 年以来,当 BPMN 2.0 作为 Object 管理组 (OMG) 规范出现时,我们拥有非常全面的 532-page .pdf file,其中包含创建人们需要的流程图的几乎所有信息。
尽管如此,除了阅读之前的文件之外,还可以找到许多常见建模问题的 BPMN 示例、模式、书籍和研究论文,它们有助于理解某些场景是如何实现的。
然后,一旦构建了干净简单的图表,就可以验证可视化(IRL 与否)执行活动的用户/参与者。