
how to make deinit take effect in swift

我有车class。假设一辆汽车开往垃圾场,这辆车不应再计入总人口。我有 deinit 函数,但如何系统地从汽车数量中删除汽车?也就是说,如何让deinit生效呢?

我有一个 class 变量 isJunk 但不知道如何使用它来完成这项工作。

class Car {
    static var population: Int = 0
    var isJunk: Bool = false
    var color: String
    var capacity: Int
    var driver: Bool?
    var carOn: Bool = false
    init (carColor: String, carCapacity: Int) {
        self.capacity = carCapacity
        self.color = carColor
        Car.population += 1

    deinit {
        Car.population -= 1

    func startCar() {
        self.carOn = true
class Car {
    static var population: Int = 0
    init() {
        Car.population += 1

    deinit {
        Car.population -= 1

var cars: [Car] = [Car(), Car()]
print("Population:", Car.population) // "Population: 2"

// now the second car is removed from array and we have no other references to it
// it gets removed from memory and deinit is called
print("Population:", Car.population) // "Population: 1"

然而,同样可以通过询问 cars 数组中的项目数来实现。这通常是比私有实例计数器更好的选择。



class CarPopulation {
    var liveCars: [Car] = []
    var junkCars: [Car] = []

或者你可以将它们放在一个数组中并在汽车上设置 junk 并在需要时计算非垃圾车:

class CarPopulation {
    var cars: [Car] = []

    func liveCars() -> Int {
        return self.cars.filter { ![=12=].junk }.count

有很多可能性,但将计数器提取给其他拥有汽车的 class 可能是更好的解决方案。

当您释放 Car 的实例时(当您完全摆脱该对象的实例时),将调用 deinit。当您将 Car 实例放入垃圾场时,我认为您并不想摆脱 Car 实例,您实际上只是想更改它的位置。我会建议使用不同的函数来处理更改 Car.



func changeLocation(newLocation: String) {
   // Perhaps add an instance variable to 'remember' the location of the car
   switch newLocation {
   case "junkyard":
     Car.population -= 1
      // Perhaps check whether previous location was Junkyard and increment  
      // counter if the Car is coming out of the Junkyard
      print("Unrecognized location")
