根据定义,这个片段是否合法标准 ML?
Is this snippet legal Standard ML according to the Definition?
根据定义,下面给出的代码片段是合法的标准 ML 吗?它使用 Poly/ML 进行类型检查,但不使用 Moscow ML:
infixr 5 ::: ++
signature HEAP_ENTRY =
type key
type 'a entry = key * 'a
val reorder : ('a -> key) -> 'a * 'a -> 'a * 'a
signature HEAP_TAIL =
structure Entry : HEAP_ENTRY
type 'a tail
val empty : 'a tail
val cons : 'a Entry.entry * 'a tail -> 'a tail
val uncons : 'a tail -> ('a Entry.entry * 'a tail) option
val ++ : 'a tail * 'a tail -> 'a tail
signature SIMPLE_FOREST =
structure Entry : HEAP_ENTRY
type 'a tree
type 'a tail = (int * 'a tree) list
val head : 'a tree -> 'a Entry.entry
val tail : int * 'a tree -> 'a tail
val cons : 'a Entry.entry * 'a tail -> 'a tail
val link : (int * 'a tree) * 'a tail -> 'a tail
structure IntRank =
fun reorder f (x, y) = if f x <= f y then (x, y) else (y, x)
fun relabel' (_, nil, ys) = ys
| relabel' (r, x :: xs, ys) =
let val r = r - 1 in relabel' (r, xs, (r, x) :: ys) end
fun relabel (r, xs) = relabel' (r, xs, nil)
functor SimpleForestTail (F : SIMPLE_FOREST) :> HEAP_TAIL
where type Entry.key = F.Entry.key =
open F
val empty = nil
fun link ((x, xs), ys) = F.link (x, xs ++ op:: ys)
and xs ++ nil = xs
| nil ++ ys = ys
| (op:: xs) ++ (op:: ys) = link (IntRank.reorder (#1 o #1) (xs, ys))
fun pick args = #1 (Entry.reorder (#1 o head o #2 o #1) args)
fun attach (x, (y, xs)) = (y, x :: xs)
fun extract (xs as (x, op:: ys)) = pick (xs, attach (x, extract ys))
| extract xs = xs
fun rebuild (x, xs) = (head (#2 x), tail x ++ xs)
fun uncons xs = Option.map (rebuild o extract) (List.getItem xs)
Moscow ML 给出的错误是:
File "test.sml", line 47-66, characters 45-631:
! .............................................:> HEAP_TAIL
! where type Entry.key = F.Entry.key =
! struct
! open F
! ..........
! fun rebuild (x, xs) = (head (#2 x), tail x ++ xs)
! fun uncons xs = Option.map (rebuild o extract) (List.getItem xs)
! end
! Signature mismatch: the module does not match the signature ...
! Scheme mismatch: value identifier uncons
! is specified with type scheme
! val 'a' uncons :
(int * 'a' tree) list -> ((key * 'a') * (int * 'a' tree) list) option
! in the signature
! but its declaration has the unrelated type scheme
! val uncons :
(int * 'a tree) list -> ((key * 'a) * (int * 'a tree) list) option
! in the module
! The declared type scheme should be at least as general as the specified type scheme
我尝试为 uncons
fun 'a uncons (xs : 'a tail) = Option.map (rebuild o extract) (List.getItem xs)
File "test.sml", line 65, characters 78-80:
! fun 'a uncons (xs : 'a tail) = Option.map (rebuild o extract) (List.getItem xs)
! ^^
! Type clash: expression of type
! (int * 'a tree) list
! cannot have type
! (int * 'b tree) list
! because of a scope violation:
! the type variable 'a is a parameter
! that is declared within the scope of 'b
如果有人感兴趣,请点击这里 where the snippet originally came from。
的使用,涉及到本地未解析的记录类型。 SML 定义说明 "the program context must uniquely determine" 如何解析此类类型,并且可能需要类型注释。不幸的是,该定义并未说明相关程序上下文可能有多大。没有实现接受任意大上下文,并且没有发布可以处理该问题的完整有效算法,除非引入记录多态性(因此过于笼统)。因此,不更具体被认为是定义中的(已知)错误。
适用于所有实现的一个好的经验法则是最小的周围声明,即在本例中为 ++
的定义。 #1