如何捕获我的 dojo TabContainer 的 child/nested(子)选项卡的“id”?

How do I capture the `id` of my child/nested (sub) tabs of my dojo TabContainer?

我有一组带有子选项卡的选项卡。单击每个选项卡时,我需要获取每个选项卡的 id 。我首先找到了 dojo TabContainer 对象中内置的 watch 函数:

myTabContainer.watch("selectedChildWidget", function(name, oval, nval){
    console.log("selected child changed from ", oval, " to ", nval);

这适用于父标签,但不适用于 child/nested 子标签。我唯一的线索是子选项卡是 ContentPane 个对象而不是 TabContainer 个对象。


var tcmainid = tcmain.id;
dojo.connect(dijit.byId(tcmainid), "selectChild", function(page){console.log("Page ID: " + page.id)});


var tcmain = new TabContainer({doLayout: false}, 'htmlDDIVid');

var parentTab1 = new ContentPane({title: "Tab1", content: gridx1});
var parentTab2 = new TabContainer({title: "Tab2", doLayout: false, nested: true});

var parentTab2SubTab1 = new ContentPane({title: "SubTab1", content: sub1Gridx});
var parentTab2SubTab2 = new ContentPane({title: "SubTab2", content: sub2Gridx});



如何为我的 child/nested 子标签获取 id




在我的道场 require 声明中。

myGridxID 是存在于我的 HTML 页面的 DIV 中的 TabContainer id有 gridx.

// Pickup the onClick and get the ID of the tab or sub tab being clicked, this is used in the case switch statement for updating the grid accordingly
    var tabContainerPanel = registry.byId('myGridxID');   //get dijit from its source dom element

    on(tabContainerPanel, "Click", function (event) {
        selectedTabString = tabContainerPanel.selectedChildWidget.title;

        if (typeof tabContainerPanel.selectedChildWidget.selectedChildWidget !== 'undefined'){
            // There are no child tabs, parent tab only
            selectedTabString = tabContainerPanel.selectedChildWidget.selectedChildWidget.title;

然后我 运行 遇到的问题是点击是针对 gridx 中的当前选项卡进行的。我用 if 语句绕过了这个:

if (selectedTabString !== prevSelectedTabString){

检查并查看我当前点击的 gridx 是否与我刚刚选择的那个相同,然后它忽略点击或者我应该说忽略我在选项卡时的代码点击。当在我的代码中单击一个选项卡时,我会更新该选项卡 Gridx。