获取 Applescript 中 Finder 项目的添加日期
Get date added of Finder items in Applescript
get (files of entire contents of folder "Macintosh HD:General Music:05 Reggae:" whose modification date is less than ((current date)) - modDate * days)
但我似乎无法添加他们的日期(我也没有在 Finder 的 Applescript 字典中看到它)。这很奇怪,因为我可以做一个使用这个 属性.
知道如何获取在 15 天内添加的文件吗?否则我现在正在用 GUI 做很多奇怪的事情,我想进一步自动化它。
您可以使用 mdfind
命令搜索 Spotlight 的元数据,使用 kMDItemDateAdded 键:
set _15daysAgo to -15 * days -- number of seconds
set tFolder to quoted form of POSIX path of "Macintosh HD:General Music:05 Reggae:"
-- find files, not folders
do shell script "mdfind -onlyin " & tFolder & " 'kMDItemDateAdded>$time.now(" & _15daysAgo & ") && ! kMDItemContentType == public.folder'"
set tFiles to paragraphs of the result
repeat with i in tFiles
tell i to set contents to i as POSIX file as alias
end repeat
tFiles -- list of files who were added within 15 days
的文件(需要Yosemite或 El Capitan),
这是 AppleScript:
set _15daysAgo to -15 * days -- number of seconds
set f to POSIX path of "Macintosh HD:General Music:05 Reggae:"
do shell script "/usr/bin/python -c 'import sys; from Foundation import NSFileManager, NSURL, NSDate, NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles
def procFolder(tDir):
p = dfM.contentsOfDirectoryAtURL_includingPropertiesForKeys_options_error_(tDir, myKeys, NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles, None)[0]
for f in p:
myDict, error=f.resourceValuesForKeys_error_(myKeys, None)
if error is None:
if (myDict.get(\"NSURLIsDirectoryKey\")): procFolder(f)
elif (myDict.get(\"NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey\").compare_(d) == 1):
print f.path().encode(\"utf8\")
fold=NSURL.fileURLWithPath_isDirectory_(sys.argv[1].decode(\"utf8\"), True)
d=NSDate.dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow_(" & _15daysAgo & ")
myKeys=[\"NSURLIsDirectoryKey\", \"NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey\"]
procFolder(fold)' " & f
set tFiles to paragraphs of the result
repeat with i in tFiles
tell i to set contents to i as POSIX file as alias
end repeat
tFiles -- list of files who were added within 15 days
get (files of entire contents of folder "Macintosh HD:General Music:05 Reggae:" whose modification date is less than ((current date)) - modDate * days)
但我似乎无法添加他们的日期(我也没有在 Finder 的 Applescript 字典中看到它)。这很奇怪,因为我可以做一个使用这个 属性.
的智能文件夹知道如何获取在 15 天内添加的文件吗?否则我现在正在用 GUI 做很多奇怪的事情,我想进一步自动化它。
您可以使用 mdfind
命令搜索 Spotlight 的元数据,使用 kMDItemDateAdded 键:
set _15daysAgo to -15 * days -- number of seconds
set tFolder to quoted form of POSIX path of "Macintosh HD:General Music:05 Reggae:"
-- find files, not folders
do shell script "mdfind -onlyin " & tFolder & " 'kMDItemDateAdded>$time.now(" & _15daysAgo & ") && ! kMDItemContentType == public.folder'"
set tFiles to paragraphs of the result
repeat with i in tFiles
tell i to set contents to i as POSIX file as alias
end repeat
tFiles -- list of files who were added within 15 days
的文件(需要Yosemite或 El Capitan),
这是 AppleScript:
set _15daysAgo to -15 * days -- number of seconds
set f to POSIX path of "Macintosh HD:General Music:05 Reggae:"
do shell script "/usr/bin/python -c 'import sys; from Foundation import NSFileManager, NSURL, NSDate, NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles
def procFolder(tDir):
p = dfM.contentsOfDirectoryAtURL_includingPropertiesForKeys_options_error_(tDir, myKeys, NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles, None)[0]
for f in p:
myDict, error=f.resourceValuesForKeys_error_(myKeys, None)
if error is None:
if (myDict.get(\"NSURLIsDirectoryKey\")): procFolder(f)
elif (myDict.get(\"NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey\").compare_(d) == 1):
print f.path().encode(\"utf8\")
fold=NSURL.fileURLWithPath_isDirectory_(sys.argv[1].decode(\"utf8\"), True)
d=NSDate.dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow_(" & _15daysAgo & ")
myKeys=[\"NSURLIsDirectoryKey\", \"NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey\"]
procFolder(fold)' " & f
set tFiles to paragraphs of the result
repeat with i in tFiles
tell i to set contents to i as POSIX file as alias
end repeat
tFiles -- list of files who were added within 15 days