[IDA Pro][python 脚本] :: 如何导出一个地址的二进制模式直到结束?

[IDA Pro][python Script] :: How to Export binary pattern of an address up to it is end?

我想使用 IDA pro 中的 python 脚本导出一个函数的二进制模式,从它的起始地址到它的结束地址。 例如:sub_454345。我想首先确定该函数在哪个地址开始,然后在哪个地址结束,然后导出函数 sub_454345.



Start Address : 0x401000
End Address : 0xD5B000
Binary Pattern : 55 8B EC 51 51 56 57 8B 7D 08 8D 45


from __future__ import print_function

def dump_instruction_opcodes(start, end):
    opcodes = list()
    for ea in xrange(start, end):

    return opcodes

def main():
    # get cursor position
    screen_ea = ScreenEA()

    func = idaapi.get_func(screen_ea)
    if not func:
        print("No function at address {:#x}".format(screen_ea))
    elif not func.does_return:
        print("Function doesn't have an exit point...")
    func_start = func.startEA
    func_end = func.endEA    
    func_name = GetFunctionName(func_start)

    print("Function '{}' starts at {:#x} and ends at {:#x}".format(func_name, func_start, func_end))

    # traverse code or data in function boundaries
    for head in Heads(func_start, func_end):
        # we just want code, not data
        if isCode(GetFlags(head)):
            next_head = NextHead(head, func_end)
            #if last instruction, set end to func_end
            if next_head == BADADDR:
                next_head = func_end
            #print("Current inst: {:#x}, next inst: {:#x}".format(head, next_head))
            opcodes = dump_instruction_opcodes(head, next_head)
            printable_opcodes = ["{:02x}".format(op) for op in opcodes]
            print("Current inst: {:#x} [{}]".format(head, ' '.join(printable_opcodes)))

    print("[*] Done!")

if __name__ == "__main__":



.text:0040F120 sub_40F120 proc near         ; CODE XREF: sub_40A8E0+2Dp
.text:0040F120 arg_0           = dword ptr  8
.text:0040F120                 push    ebp
.text:0040F121                 mov     ebp, esp
.text:0040F123                 push    esi
.text:0040F124                 mov     esi, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:0040F127                 test    esi, esi
.text:0040F129                 jnz     short loc_40F133
.text:0040F12B loc_40F12B:                             ; CODE XREF: 40F120+1Ej
.text:0040F12B                                         ; 40F120+28j
.text:0040F12B                 mov     eax, 0FFFFFFFEh


Function 'sub_40F120' starts at 0x40f120 and ends at 0x40f180
Current inst: 0x40f120 [55]
Current inst: 0x40f121 [8b ec]
Current inst: 0x40f123 [56]
Current inst: 0x40f124 [8b 75 08]
Current inst: 0x40f127 [85 f6]
Current inst: 0x40f129 [75 08]
Current inst: 0x40f12b [b8 fe ff ff ff]


  • 函数有 thunk(s)[你需要检查 inst 是否是流指令并检查目标是否在函数范围内]
  • 其中一个退出点扰乱了 CFG(syscall、int 等)[您需要引用...]
  • 函数有内部调用