DragEventListener 不适用于三星 S7 (6.0)

DragEventListener not working on Samsung S7 (6.0)

我正在寻找与此相关的方向。我有一个纸牌融合游戏 (Five Kings),已经运行了大约 6 个月;我的最新版本 0.9.22 自 3 月以来一直稳定。但是,最近我收到用户无法将丢弃物拖到丢弃物堆的报告,并且常见线程似乎 是带有Android 6.0 的Samsung S7。当您从手中拖出一张卡片时,您可以拖动的地方会变成透明的,而当您拖过它们时,它们会恢复正常(alpha = 1)。您可以拖动的其他地方似乎工作正常,但丢弃堆不会变暗或变亮,这让我觉得拖动事件侦听器不工作。

这是 DiscardPileDragEventListener:

class DiscardPileDragEventListener implements View.OnDragListener {

    // This is the method that the system calls when it dispatches a drag event to the
    // listener.
    public boolean onDrag(final View v, final DragEvent event) {
        //that we are not ready to accept the drag if not at the right point of the play
        CardView cv = (CardView)v;

        // Defines a variable to store the action type for the incoming event
        final int action = event.getAction();

        // Handles each of the expected events
        switch(action) {
            case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED:
                // Determines if this View can accept the dragged data
                if (cv.isAcceptDrag() && event.getClipDescription().hasMimeType(ClipDescription.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN)) {
                    //fades out of the draw pile
                    cv.startAnimation(Utilities.instantFade(FiveKings.HALF_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA, FiveKings.HALF_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA));
                    // returns true to indicate that the View can accept the dragged data.
                    return true;
                } else {
                    //remind user what they should be doing if in the first few rounds
                    ((FiveKings) cv.getContext()).setShowHint(null, FiveKings.HandleHint.SHOW_HINT, FiveKings.GameDifficulty.EASY);
                    // Returns false. During the current drag and drop operation, this View will
                    // not receive events again until ACTION_DRAG_ENDED is sent.
                    return false;

            case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED:
                return true;

            case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION:
                // Ignore the event
                return true;

            case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_EXITED:
                cv.startAnimation(Utilities.instantFade(FiveKings.HALF_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA, FiveKings.HALF_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA));
                return true;

            case DragEvent.ACTION_DROP:
                // Gets the item containing the dragged data
                ClipData.Item item = event.getClipData().getItemAt(0); //this is the View index to recover which card

                // Gets the text data from the item.
                String dragData = item.getText().toString();

                //Handle exception here and return false (drop wasn't handled) if it wasn't found
                int iView = -1;
                try {
                    iView = Integer.parseInt(dragData);
                }catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    return false;
                return ((FiveKings)cv.getContext()).discardedCard(iView);

            case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED:
                if (cv.isAcceptDrag()) cv.clearAnimation();
                return true;

            // An unknown action type was received.
                Log.e("DiscardPileDragEventListener", "Unknown action type received by OnDragListener.");

        return false;

这是设置实际拖动卡片的代码片段;在这个 CardView 中是 ImageView 的子类:

            for (Card card : meld) {
                //highlight wildcards unless no dragging (Computer turn, or Human final turn)
                CardView cv = new CardView(this, card, iView, allowDragging ? highlightWildCardRank : null);
                cv.setTag(iView); //allows us to pass the index into the dragData without dealing with messy object passing
                cv.setClickable(false); //TODO:B: Allow selection by clicking for multi-drag?
                if (allowDragging) {//no dragging of computer cards or Human cards after final turn
                    cv.setOnDragListener(new CardViewDragEventListener()); //needed per-card to reset the dragged card to normal visibility (alpha)
                    cv.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
                        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
                            if (event.getAction() != MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) return false;
                            // Create a new ClipData using the tag as a label, the plain text MIME type, and
                            // the string containing the View index. This will create a new ClipDescription object within the
                            // ClipData, and set its MIME type entry to "text/plain"
                            ClipData dragData = ClipData.newPlainText("Discard", v.getTag().toString());
                            View.DragShadowBuilder cardDragShadow = new CardViewDragShadowBuilder(v);

                            v.startAnimation(Utilities.instantFade(FiveKings.HALF_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA, FiveKings.HALF_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA));
                            // Starts the drag
                            v.startDrag(dragData, cardDragShadow, null, 0);
                            return true;
                        }//end onClick
                }//end if allowDragging

并且在 onCreate 中,我设置了 Discard Pile onDragListener:

        mDiscardPile.setOnDragListener(new DiscardPileDragEventListener());

一个问题是我在 Discard Pile 的父视图中也有一个 onDragListener,以便在您将卡片拖到 Discard Pile 时提供消息。这在我的测试中运行良好,但我只是想知道它是否有某种关联。


事实证明,三星为 S7 引入了一项名为 Game Tuner 的功能,并将其反向移植到 S6 和其他设备。它会自动更改市场上标记为 "Game" 的任何已安装应用程序的分辨率。这对于图形驱动的游戏非常有用,但完全搞砸了像我这样的纸牌游戏的拖放。请注意,即使您从未进入 Game Tuner 应用程序,也会发生这种情况。

因此,如果您在玩游戏或应用时遇到这种情况,请询问用户是否安装了 Game Tuner,并要求他们将分辨率设置为 100%(他们可以针对每个游戏进行设置)。

2017 年 3 月更新: 我现在有 99% 的解决方案。即使没有安装 Game Tuner,三星也可以扩展游戏(显然达到 75%)。因此,您必须安装 Game Tuner,然后将分辨率重置为 100% 才能使拖放正常工作。

我没有的那 1% 就是为什么他们会做出这样愚蠢的事情。

Samsung Display Scaling 选项:它可以缩小某些屏幕上的内容。


我相信三星最近(2016 年 7 月)发布了具有此功能的 OTA 更新。如果此功能在 Settings/Display 中可用,则表示已安装 OTA 更新,似乎可以解决拖放问题。