寻找 cil 的代码列表,如 16、17、18、19、02 的作用

looking for a code list for cil , as in what does 16, 17, 18 , 19 , 02 do

我想知道是否有 cil 代码列表,我认为 16 = false 和 17 = true,但不是 100% 确定,也认为 -1 = 0,但如果有人有网站可以帮助解决这个问题会很棒。

16 = false 
17 = true ?


02 (0x02) = ldarg.0
16 (0x10) = starg.s
17 (0x11) = ldloc.s
18 (0x12) = ldloca.s
19 (0x13) = stloc.s

0x16 = ldc.i4.0 // could be a 0 or false or '[=10=]' ... the exact type depends on how it's used.
0x17 = ldc.i4.1 // could be a 1 or true or '\u0001' ... again, the exact type depends on how it's used.
0x18 = ldc.i4.2
0x19 = ldc.i4.3