Bio.Entrez 的 efetch() 是否检索 PubMed 文章的所有元数据?

Does Bio.Entrez's efetch() retrieve all metadata of a PubMed article?

我想知道 Bio.Entrez's efetch() 是否检索 PubMed 文章的所有元数据,给定 PMID 作为输入。对于所有元数据,我的意思是 PubMed 是否拥有比 efetch() 检索到的更多的元数据。

例如,我看到对于 PMID 23954024efetch() 检索到的摘要包含的信息比 PubMed 网站 ( 上的摘要要少一些:


"AbstractText": [
    "Rotator cuff tendinopathy is a common source of shoulder pain characterised by persistent and/or recurrent problems for a proportion of sufferers. The aim of this study was to pilot the methods proposed to conduct a substantive study to evaluate the effectiveness of a self-managed loaded exercise programme versus usual physiotherapy treatment for rotator cuff tendinopathy.", 
    "A single-centre pragmatic unblinded parallel group pilot randomised controlled trial.", 
    "One private physiotherapy clinic, northern England.", 
    "Twenty-four participants with rotator cuff tendinopathy.", 
    "The intervention was a programme of self-managed loaded exercise. The control group received usual physiotherapy treatment.", 
    "Baseline assessment comprised the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) and the Short-Form 36, repeated three months post randomisation.", 
    "The recruitment target was met and the majority of participants (98%) were willing to be randomised. 100% retention was attained with all participants completing the SPADI at three months. Exercise adherence rates were excellent (90%). The mean change in SPADI score was -23.7 (95% CI -14.4 to -33.3) points for the self-managed exercise group and -19.0 (95% CI -6.0 to -31.9) points for the usual physiotherapy treatment group. The difference in three month SPADI scores was 0.1 (95% CI -16.6 to 16.9) points in favour of the usual physiotherapy treatment group.", 
    "In keeping with previous research which indicates the need for further evaluation of self-managed loaded exercise for rotator cuff tendinopathy, these methods and the preliminary evaluation of outcome offer a foundation and stimulus to conduct a substantive study."
], : 抽象的 目标: 肩袖肌腱病是肩痛的常见来源,其特征是部分患者持续 and/or 反复出现问题。本研究的目的是试验建议的方法,以进行实质性研究,以评估自我管理的负重锻炼计划与常规物理疗法治疗肩袖肌腱病的有效性。

A single-centre pragmatic unblinded parallel group pilot randomised controlled trial.

One private physiotherapy clinic, northern England.

Twenty-four participants with rotator cuff tendinopathy.

The intervention was a programme of self-managed loaded exercise. The control group received usual physiotherapy treatment.

Baseline assessment comprised the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) and the Short-Form 36, repeated three months post randomisation.

The recruitment target was met and the majority of participants (98%) were willing to be randomised. 100% retention was attained with all participants completing the SPADI at three months. Exercise adherence rates were excellent (90%). The mean change in SPADI score was -23.7 (95% CI -14.4 to -33.3) points for the self-managed exercise group and -19.0 (95% CI -6.0 to -31.9) points for the usual physiotherapy treatment group. The difference in three month SPADI scores was 0.1 (95% CI -16.6 to 16.9) points in favour of the usual physiotherapy treatment group.

In keeping with previous research which indicates the need for further evaluation of self-managed loaded exercise for rotator cuff tendinopathy, these methods and the preliminary evaluation of outcome offer a foundation and stimulus to conduct a substantive study.


efetch() 遗漏了哪些其他元数据,有什么方法可以通过编程方式检索遗漏的信息吗?


from Bio import Entrez = ""

handle = Entrez.efetch(db="pubmed", id="23954024", rettype="xml")



 <AbstractText Label="OBJECTIVES" NlmCategory="OBJECTIVE">Rotator cuff tendinopathy is a common source of shoulder pain characterised by persistent and/or recurrent problems for a proportion of sufferers. The aim of this study was to pilot the methods proposed to conduct a substantive study to evaluate the effectiveness of a self-managed loaded exercise programme versus usual physiotherapy treatment for rotator cuff tendinopathy.</AbstractText>
 <AbstractText Label="DESIGN" NlmCategory="METHODS">A single-centre pragmatic unblinded parallel group pilot randomised controlled trial.</AbstractText>
 <AbstractText Label="SETTING" NlmCategory="METHODS">One private physiotherapy clinic, northern England.</AbstractText>

扩展 xbello 的答案,不,信息没有丢失,但有点隐藏。

from Bio import Entrez = ""
handle = Entrez.efetch(db="pubmed", id="23954024", rettype="xml")
records =

for record in records:

    m = record['MedlineCitation']['Article']['Abstract']['AbstractText']
    for subsection in m:



Rotator cuff tendinopathy is a common source of shoulder pain characterised by persistent and/or recurrent problems for a proportion of sufferers. The aim of this study was to pilot the methods proposed to conduct a substantive study to evaluate the effectiveness of a self-managed loaded exercise programme versus usual physiotherapy treatment for rotator cuff tendinopathy.


A single-centre pragmatic unblinded parallel group pilot randomised controlled trial.