不需要的 Javascript 效果:原型在实例之间共享闭包

Unwanted Javascript effect: Prototype is sharing closure between instances


跟踪经过时间的一种方法是让我的 Level 对象将 elapsed 作为成员变量。

Level.init = function(){
    this.elapsed = 0;  //member variable!
    return this;

Level.update = function(){

Level.countdown = function(){
    this.elapsed += 1;
    var remaining = (GAME_LENGTH*60) - (this.elapsed/TICKS);
    var minutes = Math.floor(remaining/60);
    var seconds = Math.floor(remaining%60);
    this.countdown.html(minutes + ":" + ("0"+seconds).slice(-2));       

    if (this.elapsed/TICKS >= GAME_LENGTH*60) {


NewLevel = Object.create(Level).init();

但是,我认为使用闭包可能会更好; elapsed 仅供 countdown 函数使用,因此它不需要是 Level 的成员变量。 Level 不需要知道 elapsed 存在。

//member variable this.elapsed has been removed
Level.init = function(){
    return this;

Level.update = function(){

//a closure is used to keep track of elapsed time
Level.countdown = (function(){
    var elapsed = 0;        
    return function() {
        elapsed += 1;
        var remaining = (GAME_LENGTH*60) - (elapsed/TICKS);
        var minutes = Math.floor(remaining/60);
        var seconds = Math.floor(remaining%60);
        this.countdown.html(minutes + ":" + ("0"+seconds).slice(-2));       

        if (elapsed/TICKS >= GAME_LENGTH*60) {
            elapsed = 0;

但现在我有一个不同的问题。创建的 Level 的所有副本共享 countdown 闭包,因为它在原型链中。当用户提前退出关卡,然后开始新的关卡(丢弃旧的 Level 对象实例化新的 Level 对象),闭包中的 elapsed 变量不会被重置。

换句话说,用户在还剩 30 秒时提前退出关卡。然后用户再次启动关卡,但现在,倒数计时器仍显示 30 秒,而不是整整 2 分钟。

有没有一种优雅的方法可以解决这个问题并且仍然使用闭包?或者我必须恢复到我以前的解决方案,忘记闭包,并将 elapsed 设为成员变量吗?

Is there an elegant way to fix this and still use a closure? Or must I revert to my previous solution, forget closures, and make elapsed a member variable?

它必须是特定于实例的;这并不意味着它必须是对象上的 属性 。您可以从 init 方法中创建闭包:

//member variable this.elapsed has been removed
Level.init = function(){
    //a closure is used to keep track of elapsed time
    this.countdown = createCountdownMethod();
    return this;

Level.update = function(){

function createCountdownMethod(){
    var elapsed = 0;        
    return function() {
        elapsed += 1;
        var remaining = (GAME_LENGTH*60) - (elapsed/TICKS);
        var minutes = Math.floor(remaining/60);
        var seconds = Math.floor(remaining%60);
        this.countdown.html(minutes + ":" + ("0"+seconds).slice(-2));       

        if (elapsed/TICKS >= GAME_LENGTH*60) {
            elapsed = 0;


//member variable this.elapsed has been removed
Level.init = function(){
    var elapsed = 0;        

    //a closure is used to keep track of elapsed time
    Level.countdown = countdown;
    return this;

    function countdown() {
        elapsed += 1;
        var remaining = (GAME_LENGTH*60) - (elapsed/TICKS);
        var minutes = Math.floor(remaining/60);
        var seconds = Math.floor(remaining%60);
        this.countdown.html(minutes + ":" + ("0"+seconds).slice(-2));       

        if (elapsed/TICKS >= GAME_LENGTH*60) {
            elapsed = 0;

Level.update = function(){

如果您想让 elapsedLevel 实例完全私有,您可以将 countdown 的定义移动到 init 中。看起来像:

//member variable this.elapsed has been removed
Level.init = function(){
    var elapsed = 0; // elapsed local to init
    this.countdown = function() {
        elapsed += 1;
        var remaining = (GAME_LENGTH*60) - (elapsed/TICKS);
        var minutes = Math.floor(remaining/60);
        var seconds = Math.floor(remaining%60);
        this.countdown.html(minutes + ":" + ("0"+seconds).slice(-2));       
        if (elapsed/TICKS >= GAME_LENGTH*60) {
            elapsed = 0;
    return this;

Level.update = function(){

如果不每次都创建一个新变量,就不可能对像 elapsed 这样的变量使用闭包。