我可以根据资源或条件限制 CloudWatch 操作吗?

Can I restrict CloudWatch Actions based on Resource or Condition?

我正在尝试将 CloudWatch 操作限制为特定 VPC 或资源。我可以这样做吗?以下是政策

    "Sid": "AllowCloudWatchActions",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "*"


CloudWatch 没有任何资源级权限。引用 AWS 文档:

CloudWatch doesn't have any specific resources for you to control access to. Therefore, there are no CloudWatch ARNs for you to use in an IAM policy. You use * as the resource when writing a policy to control access to CloudWatch actions.


因此无法创建将数据限制为来自特定资源(VPC 等)的指标的策略

"Conditions" 通常不适用于所请求的数据或资源(即您的指标)。相反,"Condition" 适用于请求的来源,例如 VPC 或 IP 地址。

根据 AWS doco,条件键可用于限制对 CloudWatch 命名空间的访问。 https://docs.amazonaws.cn/en_us/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/iam-cw-condition-keys-namespace.html

实际上,我向 AWS 提交了一张票以限制获取 CloudWatch 指标,并得到确认说它适用于 PutMetricData 但不适用于 GetMetricData。