如何为 Kotlin 中的每个数字类型实现 floor 模数?

How to implement floor modulo for every Number type in Kotlin?

我目前正在学习 Kotlin 并尝试创建一个适用于所有 number typesByteLongFloat 等的扩展(中缀)方法.).它应该像 Python 的 % 运算符一样工作:

 4   %   3  ==   1      // only this is the same as Java's %
 4   %  -3  ==  -2
-4   %   3  ==   2
-4   %  -3  ==  -1

...或类似 Java 的 Math.floorMod,但它也应该与 DoubleFloat 一起使用:

-4.3 %  3.2 ==   2.1000000000000005


 3   %  2.2 ==   0.7999999999999998
 3L  %  2.2f ==   0.7999999999999998

以下按预期工作,但仅适用于两个 Double 或两个 Int:

inline infix fun Double.fmod(other: Double): Number {
    return ((this % other) + other) % other

inline infix fun Int.fmod(other: Int): Number {
    return ((this % other) + other) % other

// test
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
            ${-4.3 fmod 3.2} == 2.1000000000000005

            ${4 fmod 3} == 1
            ${+4 fmod -3} == -2
            ${-4 fmod 3} == 2
            ${-4 fmod -3} == -1

Int 替换为 Number,我收到以下错误消息:

Error:(21, 18) Unresolved reference. None of the following candidates is applicable because of receiver type mismatch: 
@InlineOnly public operator inline fun BigDecimal.mod(other: BigDecimal): BigDecimal defined in kotlin
Error:(21, 27) Public-API inline function cannot access non-public-API 'internal open fun <ERROR FUNCTION>(): [ERROR : <ERROR FUNCTION RETURN TYPE>] defined in root package'
Error:(21, 36) Public-API inline function cannot access non-public-API 'internal open fun <ERROR FUNCTION>(): [ERROR : <ERROR FUNCTION RETURN TYPE>] defined in root package'



import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.math.BigInteger

inline infix fun <reified T: Number> T.fmod(other: T): T {
  return when {
    this is BigDecimal || other is BigDecimal -> BigDecimal(other.toString()).let {
      (((BigDecimal(this.toString()) % it) + it) % it) as T
    this is BigInteger || other is BigInteger -> BigInteger(other.toString()).let {
      (((BigInteger(this.toString()) % it) + it) % it) as T
    this is Double || other is Double -> other.toDouble().let {
      (((this.toDouble() % it) + it) % it) as T
    this is Float || other is Float -> other.toFloat().let {
      (((this.toFloat() % it) + it) % it) as T
    this is Long || other is Long -> other.toLong().let {
      (((this.toLong() % it) + it) % it) as T
    this is Int || other is Int -> other.toInt().let {
      (((this.toInt() % it) + it) % it) as T
    this is Short || other is Short -> other.toShort().let {
      (((this.toShort() % it) + it) % it) as T
    else -> throw AssertionError()

assert(BigDecimal("2.1") == BigDecimal("-4.3") fmod BigDecimal("3.2"))
assert(BigInteger("2") == BigInteger("-4") fmod BigInteger("3"))
assert(2 == -4 fmod 3)
assert(2L == -4L fmod 3L)

assert(0.7999999999999998 == 3 fmod 2.2)
assert(0.79999995f == 3L fmod 2.2f)

我虽然 reified 不需要转换(智能和显式),但事实并非如此。也许我遗漏了一些东西(毕竟我是 Kotlin 的新手)。


inline fun <T> T.fmod(other: T, mod: T.(T) -> T, plus: T.(T) -> T) =

assert(BigDecimal("2.1") == BigDecimal("-4.3").fmod(BigDecimal("3.2"), BigDecimal::mod, BigDecimal::plus))
assert(2L == -4L.fmod(3L, Long::mod, Long::plus))



infix fun Double.fmod(other: Double) = ((this % other) + other) % other

infix fun Int.fmod(other: Int) = ((this % other) + other) % other

infix fun Double.fmod(other: Int) = ((this % other) + other) % other

infix fun Int.fmod(other: Double) = ((this % other) + other) % other

这样一来,使用哪种类型是由编译器决定的,而不是在运行时。这些函数不是通用的并且不使用继承(阅读 Number),这意味着值未装箱(请参阅 Java 原始装箱),这意味着对象未分配。

我强烈不建议内联这些函数。将小的优化留给 JVM。未分配对象这一事实是此处最大的性能胜利。

P.S 函数的数量随着支持的类型的平方而增长。您确定需要支持 所有 类型吗?