从双向链表中删除节点并释放其 space

Deleting a node from a doubly linked list AND freeing up its space as well



template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::deleteElement(T item)
    ListItem<T> *curPtr;
    curPtr = searchFor(item); // this function returns the pointer to the node which contains the item.
    (curPtr->next)->prev = curPtr->prev;
    (curPtr->prev)->next = tempPtr->next;


所以你看,curPtr 正在断开连接,但我相信它仍然存在于自由商店的某个地方。我如何永久摆脱它?

你能为你的 ListItem 类型创建一个 erase_next() 方法吗? 我在类似 class 中有类似以下内容。希望对你有帮助。

void erase_next() {
    // ensure it is not the last item
    if(this->next != nullptr) {
        // create a temporary pointer
        ListItem<T>* tmp = this->next

        // link next to the next item to the next item and change the
        // next items previous item to this item
        this->next = this->next->next;
        next->prev = this;

        // delete the old next item
        delete tmp;

在您的函数中,您可以像下面这样调用它。感谢@davmac 进行了编辑以删除第一项

template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::deleteElement(T item)
    ListItem<T> *curPtr = searchFor(item);
    if(curPtr->prev == nullptr) {
        curPtr->next->prev = nullptr;
        delete curPtr;
    } else {



void erase_next() {
    if(this->next != nullptr) {
        this->next = this->next->next
        // We've already linked next so we can delete the handle
        // with prev Note: this method is not possible with a
        // single linked list and we would need the temp variable
        delete this->next->prev
        next->prev = this;
