访问 pandas 数据框中内部多索引级别的最后一个元素

Access last elements of inner multiindex level in pandas dataframe

multi index pandas 数据框中,我想为第一个索引的所有值访问第二个索引的 last 元素。第二个索引中的级别数根据第一个索引的值而变化。我浏览了 pandas multi index documentation 但找不到任何相关内容。


arrays = [ ['bar', 'bar', 'baz', 'foo', 'foo', 'foo',   'qux'],
           ['one', 'two', 'one', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'one']]
tuples = list(zip(*arrays))
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=['first', 'second'])
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(7, 3), index=index, columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])
                 A         B         C
first second
bar   one     0.289163 -0.464633 -0.060487
      two     0.224442  0.177609  2.156436
baz   one    -0.262329 -0.248384  0.925580
foo   one     0.051350  0.452014  0.206809
      two     2.757255 -0.739196  0.183735
      three  -0.064909 -0.963130  1.364771
qux   one    -1.330857  1.881588 -0.262170


                 A         B         C
first second
bar   two     0.224442  0.177609  2.156436
baz   one    -0.262329 -0.248384  0.925580
foo   three  -0.064909 -0.963130  1.364771
qux   one    -1.330857  1.881588 -0.262170

我正在使用的 dataframes 有超过 10M 行,所以我想避免显式循环。

使用groupby with tail:

print (df.groupby(level='first').tail(1))
                     A         B         C
first second                              
bar   two     0.053054 -0.555819  0.589998
baz   one    -0.868676  1.293633  1.339474
foo   three   0.407454  0.738872  1.811894
qux   one    -0.346014 -1.491270  0.446772

因为last输了level second

print (df.groupby(level='first').last())         
              A         B         C
bar    0.053054 -0.555819  0.589998
baz   -0.868676  1.293633  1.339474
foo    0.407454  0.738872  1.811894
qux   -0.346014 -1.491270  0.446772