Coq 中的还原策略和泛化策略有什么区别?

What's the difference between revert and generalize tactics in Coq?

从Coq参考手册(8.5p1)来看,我的印象是revertintro的倒数,但generalize在一定程度上也是。比如下面的revertgeneralize dependent好像是一样的

Goal forall x y: nat, 1 + x = 2 + y -> 1 + x + 5 = 7 + y.
intros x y. revert x y.
intros x y. generalize dependent y. generalize dependent x. 


此外,文档在解释有关 generalize 的事情时有点循环:

This tactic applies to any goal. It generalizes the conclusion with respect to some term.


据我所知,revert只是generalize的一种更简单的形式,对于新手来说通常更容易使用:它与intro相反。使用 generalize 的风格,您可以做更多事情(尤其是术语和类型之间的依赖性)。

是的,generalize更强大。通过用 generalize 模拟 revert,您已经证明它至少具有与 revert 相同的功能。 请注意 generalize 适用于任何 termsrevert——仅适用于 identifiers.


  x, y : nat
  0 <= x + y + y

Coq < generalize (x + y + y).
1 subgoal

  x, y : nat
  forall n : nat, 0 <= n


If the goal is G and t is a subterm of type T in the goal, then generalize t replaces the goal by forall x:T, G0 where G0 is obtained from G by replacing all occurrences of t by x.

本质上,这表示 generalize 将您的目标包装在 forall 中,用新变量 (x) 替换一些术语。


Goal forall x y, x > 0 -> 0 < x + y + y.
  intros x y H.
  generalize dependent (x + y + y).

(* results in this proof state: *)
  x, y : nat
  H : x > 0
   forall n : nat, 0 < n