如何在 d3 和 SVG 中创建阴影路径?

How to create shaded path in d3 and SVG?

我正在创建一个带有阴影效果的图表,并且想要一个折线图,其效果类似于 this 来自 Apple 的 Health 工具包,除了在最后一个数据点之后没有尖锐的垂直线。本质上,我希望在线条下方的阴影是线条的形状,而不是像一个非常模糊的阴影。这在 d3 中如何实现?


演示如下。我会让你把它转换成 d3。

    <svg width="750" height="384">
        <!-- The below-the-graph gradient fill -->
        <linearGradient id="grad" x2="0" y2="1">
          <stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="0.5"/>
          <stop offset="100%" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="0"/>

        <filter id="blur">
          <feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="10" />

      <!-- The orange background -->
      <rect x="10" y="10" width="734" height="368" rx="14" fill="#ff7744"/>

      <!-- This transform just moves the graph from the origin (top left) onto the orange background -->
      <g transform="translate(80,134)">

        <!-- Same shape as the graph but adds points at bottom right and bottom left to complete the polygon -->
        <polygon fill="url(#grad)" filter="url(#blur)"
                 points="0,127, 90,85, 180,115, 270,47, 360,143, 450,0
                         450,177, 0,177"/>

        <!-- The white graph line goes last (on top) -->
        <polyline fill="none" stroke="white" stroke-width="3"
                  points="0,127, 90,85, 180,115, 270,47, 360,143, 450,0"/>

