"business queues" 视图中缺少队列

Queue missing from "business queues" view

我在 Dynamics CRM 2015 上遇到了一个奇怪的问题,在尝试将个案分配给队列时,"Business Queues" 视图中缺少我创建的队列。总共有 18 个队列 - "Business Queues" 视图中显示了其中的 17 个。

当我将视图更改为 "Active Queues" 时出现丢失的队列。我试图查看 "Business Queues" 视图上的过滤器,但是,它被锁定了,所以我看不到 CRM 如何确定什么是业务队列,什么不是。我已经将丢失的队列与其他队列进行了比较,也看不出任何差异!


Microsoft 对此没有很好的记录,但业务队列似乎被定义为没有人将其用作默认队列的队列(即它是整个业务使用的队列)。

这在 CRM Tip of the Day #170: There is no queue like a business queue 中有记录:

If you have a queue that does not show in Business Queues view [...], just find and remove link to it from the teams or users using it as a default. In other words, find users and teams that have field Default Queue linked to the queue in question and set it to null.