Mysql 销售额 table 按客户分组并按月列显示数据透视查询

Mysql sales table grouped by customer and displayed by month columns pivot query

我有一个 sales table 包含以下列:

|  Customer_Id | amount |  date  |

customer_id 对数据进行分组并显示每个 Customer_id 的每月总金额 (SUM)(每个 Customer_id 一行)的最佳方法是什么?月份列?


Customer     |January    | February   | March       | ....

Customer_id  |SUM amount | SUM amount | SUM amount | ....




SELECT `Customer_id` AS Customer,
SUM(`amount`) AS MONTHNAME(`date`)
FROM `sales`
GROUP BY YEAR(`date`), MONTH(`date`);


SELECT Customer_id, SUM(数量), MONTHNAME(日期) 来自 sales_table 按月分组(日期);

假设您有以下 table:

mysql> select * from sales;
| customer_id | amount | date       |
|           1 |     12 | 2015-01-01 |
|           1 |      1 | 2015-01-02 |
|           1 |    663 | 2015-02-12 |
|           2 |     22 | 2015-01-03 |
|           2 |     21 | 2015-02-12 |
|           2 |     11 | 2015-02-12 |
|           2 |      9 | 2015-04-12 |


  sum(if(month(date) = 1, amount, 0))  AS Jan,
  sum(if(month(date) = 2, amount, 0))  AS Feb,
  sum(if(month(date) = 3, amount, 0))  AS Mar,
  sum(if(month(date) = 4, amount, 0))  AS Apr,
  sum(if(month(date) = 5, amount, 0))  AS May,
  sum(if(month(date) = 6, amount, 0))  AS Jun,
  sum(if(month(date) = 7, amount, 0))  AS Jul,
  sum(if(month(date) = 8, amount, 0))  AS Aug,
  sum(if(month(date) = 9, amount, 0))  AS Sep,
  sum(if(month(date) = 10, amount, 0)) AS Oct,
  sum(if(month(date) = 11, amount, 0)) AS Nov,
  sum(if(month(date) = 12, amount, 0)) AS `Dec`
FROM sales
GROUP BY customer_id;


| customer_id | Jan  | Feb  | Mar  | Apr  | May  | Jun  | Jul  | Aug  | Sep  | Oct  | Nov  | Dec  |
|           1 |   13 |  663 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
|           2 |   22 |   32 |    0 |    9 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |


SELECT Customer_id,

Sum(CASE WHEN MONTH(date) = 1 THEN amount END) AS Jan,
Sum(CASE WHEN MONTH(date) = 2 THEN amount END) AS Feb,
Sum(CASE WHEN MONTH(date) = 3 THEN amount END) AS Mar,

FROM table_name

GROUP BY Customer_id

感谢@shawnt00 提醒 ;)

MySQL 为 GROUP BY 子句提供 WITH ROLLUP 修饰符。 Take a look at this.

... GROUP BY customer_id WITH ROLLUP


如果您像这样更改 Piotr 的回答中的每一行

sum(if(month(date) = 1, amount, 0))  AS Jan,

sum(if((month(date) = 1 AND year(date) = 2017 ),  amount,0))  AS Jan_17,

