Table 在 r 中有多个子行并写入 pdf
Table in r with multiple sub rows and write to pdf
是否可以在 R 中生成多行对应单行的 table?并将结果 table 写入 pdf。示例 table 如下。
是否可以按照图中显示的方式连接两个单独的 table。
下面给出了两个 table 的示例代码
tab1="Test Description
1 test1 description
2 test2 description"
table1 <-read.table(text = tab1,header = TRUE)
tab21="Cause Probability Feedback
1 cause1 .5 positive
2 Cause2 .2 negative
3 Cause3 .1 negative
4 Cause4 .2 negative"
table2 <-read.table(text = tab21,header = TRUE)
tab22="Cause Probability Feedback
1 cause1 .7 positive
2 Cause2 .2 negative
3 Cause3 .1 negative"
table3 <-read.table(text = tab22,header = TRUE)
这有点棘手,但我会利用 print.xtable 函数将具有 NA 的单元格打印为空的事实。单元格不是真正的 'merged',但当内容与顶部对齐时看起来像。
- 在R
- 使用包 'xtable[= 中的 print.xtable 打印为 .tex 兼容 table 52=]'
- 使用Sweave/knitr/etc生成一个suitable.tex
- tools::texi2pdf 然后会将您的 .tex 转换为 suitable .pdf
这里是文件,你只需要在你的 R 终端中获取 RunSweave.R(并确保你已经安装了 LaTeX 以及所需的包,即 'xtable 并且有单个文件夹中的文件;这是 Windows 中的 运行。
文件 StackExampleCode.R:
# StackExampleCode.R
# A work-around by setting rows in the multi-row to NA after the initial top-justified line
header <- data.frame(test = "Tests", det = "Details", cause = "Cause", prob = "Probability", fb = "Feedback")
# Filling the fields for these is something you'd probably want to do in R in a more sophisticated manner
test1 <- data.frame(
test = c("Test 1", NA, NA, NA, NA),
det = c("Description", NA, NA, NA, NA),
cause = c("Cause 1", NA, paste("Cause", 2:4)),
prob = c(".5", NA, ".2", ".1", ".2"),
fb = c("positive", NA, "negative", "negative", "negative")
test2 <- data.frame(
test = c("Test 2", NA, NA, NA),
det = c("Description", NA, NA, NA),
cause = c(paste("Cause", 1:3), NA),
prob = c(".7", ".1", ".2", NA),
fb = c("positive", "negative", "negative", NA)
# Bind it all together, you probably want something similar if it's automatic data you're generating
tab <- rbind(header, test1, test2)
% StackExampleRnw.Rnw
% Note the different comment char, writing .tex here
<<echo=FALSE, results=tex>>=
# Printing the table
align = "|l|l|l|l|l|l|" # Create the desired vertical lines and text alignments ala LaTeX; left align with vertical lines in-between each column)
), = list( # Add horizontal lines to correct spots, should be adjusted according to the desired data
pos = list(-1, 1, 6, nrow(tab)),
command = c("\hline \n", "\hline \n", "\hline \n", "\hline \n") # Horizontal lines and a neater formatting of output using a linechange
include.rownames = FALSE, # Don't include the rownames (which would be just numbers)
include.colnames = FALSE, # Don't include the rownames, these were already included as if it was an ordinary table row
hline.after = NULL # Suppress the empty horizontal line that is intended for an automated caption
# RunSweave.R
# Run the code
# Bundle R code with LaTeX
# .tex -> .pdf
这是我在 StackExampleRnw.pdf:
或者,您可以直接访问文件 StackExampleRnw.tex 中 .tex 中的 table,如果您愿意table,则可以进行一些额外的格式化。以上不需要在 .tex 中进行任何额外的修改,但您需要确保将水平线和 NA 放在正确的位置。
如果您不喜欢table .tex,print.xtable-函数有大量参数可用于进一步格式化。如果右边三列中的部分水平线对你来说真的很重要,我可能会把它分成两个 table,然后把它们水平地粘在一起,让右边的每一个都有一条水平线行。
我希望在 pixiedust
中通过合并一些单元格来完成此操作,但我在 pixiedust
中似乎有一个缺陷,它不允许在合并的行上使用垂直边框。解决方法使用 Teemu 的方法,将我们不想查看的单元格设置为 NA
table2$Test <- "test1"
table3$Test <- "test2"
right_join(table1, table2),
right_join(table1, table3)
) %>%
mutate(Description = as.character(Description)) %>%
group_by(Test) %>%
mutate(Description = ifelse(duplicated(Description), NA, Description)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Test = ifelse(duplicated(Test), NA, Test))%>%
dust(float = FALSE) %>%
sprinkle(cols = 1:2,
rows = c(4, 7),
border = "bottom") %>%
sprinkle(cols = 1:2,
rows = 1,
border = "top") %>%
sprinkle(cols = 1:2,
border = "left",
na.string = "") %>%
medley_all_borders(cols = 3:5) %>%
medley_all_borders(part = "head") %>%
一个完整的、有效的 RMD 文件应该是:
title: "Untitled"
output: pdf_document
- \usepackage{amssymb}
- \usepackage{arydshln}
- \usepackage{caption}
- \usepackage{graphicx}
- \usepackage{hhline}
- \usepackage{longtable}
- \usepackage{multirow}
- \usepackage[dvipsnames,table]{xcolor}
```{r, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE}
tab1="Test Description
1 test1 description
2 test2 description"
table1 <-read.table(text = tab1,header = TRUE)
tab21="Cause Probability Feedback
1 cause1 .5 positive
2 Cause2 .2 negative
3 Cause3 .1 negative
4 Cause4 .2 negative"
table2 <-read.table(text = tab21,header = TRUE)
tab22="Cause Probability Feedback
1 cause1 .7 positive
2 Cause2 .2 negative
3 Cause3 .1 negative"
table3 <-read.table(text = tab22,header = TRUE)
```{r, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE}
table2$Test <- "test1"
table3$Test <- "test2"
right_join(table1, table2),
right_join(table1, table3)
) %>%
mutate(Description = as.character(Description)) %>%
group_by(Test) %>%
mutate(Description = ifelse(duplicated(Description), NA, Description)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Test = ifelse(duplicated(Test), NA, Test))%>%
dust(float = FALSE) %>%
sprinkle(cols = 1:2,
rows = c(4, 7),
border = "bottom") %>%
sprinkle(cols = 1:2,
rows = 1,
border = "top") %>%
sprinkle(cols = 1:2,
border = "left",
na.string = "") %>%
medley_all_borders(cols = 3:5) %>%
medley_all_borders(part = "head")
是否可以在 R 中生成多行对应单行的 table?并将结果 table 写入 pdf。示例 table 如下。
是否可以按照图中显示的方式连接两个单独的 table。 下面给出了两个 table 的示例代码
tab1="Test Description
1 test1 description
2 test2 description"
table1 <-read.table(text = tab1,header = TRUE)
tab21="Cause Probability Feedback
1 cause1 .5 positive
2 Cause2 .2 negative
3 Cause3 .1 negative
4 Cause4 .2 negative"
table2 <-read.table(text = tab21,header = TRUE)
tab22="Cause Probability Feedback
1 cause1 .7 positive
2 Cause2 .2 negative
3 Cause3 .1 negative"
table3 <-read.table(text = tab22,header = TRUE)
这有点棘手,但我会利用 print.xtable 函数将具有 NA 的单元格打印为空的事实。单元格不是真正的 'merged',但当内容与顶部对齐时看起来像。
- 在R 中生成一个suitabledata.frame
- 使用包 'xtable[= 中的 print.xtable 打印为 .tex 兼容 table 52=]'
- 使用Sweave/knitr/etc生成一个suitable.tex
- tools::texi2pdf 然后会将您的 .tex 转换为 suitable .pdf
这里是文件,你只需要在你的 R 终端中获取 RunSweave.R(并确保你已经安装了 LaTeX 以及所需的包,即 'xtable 并且有单个文件夹中的文件;这是 Windows 中的 运行。
文件 StackExampleCode.R:
# StackExampleCode.R
# A work-around by setting rows in the multi-row to NA after the initial top-justified line
header <- data.frame(test = "Tests", det = "Details", cause = "Cause", prob = "Probability", fb = "Feedback")
# Filling the fields for these is something you'd probably want to do in R in a more sophisticated manner
test1 <- data.frame(
test = c("Test 1", NA, NA, NA, NA),
det = c("Description", NA, NA, NA, NA),
cause = c("Cause 1", NA, paste("Cause", 2:4)),
prob = c(".5", NA, ".2", ".1", ".2"),
fb = c("positive", NA, "negative", "negative", "negative")
test2 <- data.frame(
test = c("Test 2", NA, NA, NA),
det = c("Description", NA, NA, NA),
cause = c(paste("Cause", 1:3), NA),
prob = c(".7", ".1", ".2", NA),
fb = c("positive", "negative", "negative", NA)
# Bind it all together, you probably want something similar if it's automatic data you're generating
tab <- rbind(header, test1, test2)
% StackExampleRnw.Rnw
% Note the different comment char, writing .tex here
<<echo=FALSE, results=tex>>=
# Printing the table
align = "|l|l|l|l|l|l|" # Create the desired vertical lines and text alignments ala LaTeX; left align with vertical lines in-between each column)
), = list( # Add horizontal lines to correct spots, should be adjusted according to the desired data
pos = list(-1, 1, 6, nrow(tab)),
command = c("\hline \n", "\hline \n", "\hline \n", "\hline \n") # Horizontal lines and a neater formatting of output using a linechange
include.rownames = FALSE, # Don't include the rownames (which would be just numbers)
include.colnames = FALSE, # Don't include the rownames, these were already included as if it was an ordinary table row
hline.after = NULL # Suppress the empty horizontal line that is intended for an automated caption
# RunSweave.R
# Run the code
# Bundle R code with LaTeX
# .tex -> .pdf
这是我在 StackExampleRnw.pdf:
中的样子或者,您可以直接访问文件 StackExampleRnw.tex 中 .tex 中的 table,如果您愿意table,则可以进行一些额外的格式化。以上不需要在 .tex 中进行任何额外的修改,但您需要确保将水平线和 NA 放在正确的位置。
如果您不喜欢table .tex,print.xtable-函数有大量参数可用于进一步格式化。如果右边三列中的部分水平线对你来说真的很重要,我可能会把它分成两个 table,然后把它们水平地粘在一起,让右边的每一个都有一条水平线行。
我希望在 pixiedust
中通过合并一些单元格来完成此操作,但我在 pixiedust
中似乎有一个缺陷,它不允许在合并的行上使用垂直边框。解决方法使用 Teemu 的方法,将我们不想查看的单元格设置为 NA
table2$Test <- "test1"
table3$Test <- "test2"
right_join(table1, table2),
right_join(table1, table3)
) %>%
mutate(Description = as.character(Description)) %>%
group_by(Test) %>%
mutate(Description = ifelse(duplicated(Description), NA, Description)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Test = ifelse(duplicated(Test), NA, Test))%>%
dust(float = FALSE) %>%
sprinkle(cols = 1:2,
rows = c(4, 7),
border = "bottom") %>%
sprinkle(cols = 1:2,
rows = 1,
border = "top") %>%
sprinkle(cols = 1:2,
border = "left",
na.string = "") %>%
medley_all_borders(cols = 3:5) %>%
medley_all_borders(part = "head") %>%
一个完整的、有效的 RMD 文件应该是:
title: "Untitled"
output: pdf_document
- \usepackage{amssymb}
- \usepackage{arydshln}
- \usepackage{caption}
- \usepackage{graphicx}
- \usepackage{hhline}
- \usepackage{longtable}
- \usepackage{multirow}
- \usepackage[dvipsnames,table]{xcolor}
```{r, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE}
tab1="Test Description
1 test1 description
2 test2 description"
table1 <-read.table(text = tab1,header = TRUE)
tab21="Cause Probability Feedback
1 cause1 .5 positive
2 Cause2 .2 negative
3 Cause3 .1 negative
4 Cause4 .2 negative"
table2 <-read.table(text = tab21,header = TRUE)
tab22="Cause Probability Feedback
1 cause1 .7 positive
2 Cause2 .2 negative
3 Cause3 .1 negative"
table3 <-read.table(text = tab22,header = TRUE)
```{r, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE}
table2$Test <- "test1"
table3$Test <- "test2"
right_join(table1, table2),
right_join(table1, table3)
) %>%
mutate(Description = as.character(Description)) %>%
group_by(Test) %>%
mutate(Description = ifelse(duplicated(Description), NA, Description)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Test = ifelse(duplicated(Test), NA, Test))%>%
dust(float = FALSE) %>%
sprinkle(cols = 1:2,
rows = c(4, 7),
border = "bottom") %>%
sprinkle(cols = 1:2,
rows = 1,
border = "top") %>%
sprinkle(cols = 1:2,
border = "left",
na.string = "") %>%
medley_all_borders(cols = 3:5) %>%
medley_all_borders(part = "head")