
how to initialise and assign vlaue element by element to array dynamically

我想在 C++ 中逐个元素地为动态数组元素赋值。 我使用下面的代码来赋值

int *missedlst;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
missedlst = new int;
missedlst[i] = i;

如果我打印这些值,只有最后一个能正确显示。其余值不是:程序显示了一些垃圾值。 请帮助我在循环中逐个元素分配值。


int *missedlst;          // New pointer
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){   // Loop 10 times
    missedlst = new int; // Change what the pointer points to
    missedlst[i] = i;    // This makes no sense, you don't have an array


int size = 10;                   // A size that is easily changed.
int* missedList = new int[size]; // New array of size size
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i){   // loop size times
    missedList[i] = i;           // Assign the values

// Do stuff with your missedList

// Delete the object.
delete[] missedList;

你当前的代码,你分配了十个不同的"arrays",每次只有一个int,但是你写入了这个单元素数组的第i个元素,在其他地方领先到 undefined behavior(当 i 为零时除外)。


int* missedLst = new int[10];  // Create an array of ten integers
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    missedLst[i] = i;  // Set the i'th element to the value of i


  1. 和你现在做的基本一样:

    std::vector<int> missedLst(10);  // Declare a vector of ten integers
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
        missedLst[i] = i;  // Set the i'th element to the value of i
  2. 动态创建每个元素:

    std::vector<int> missedLst;  // Declare a vector of integers, size zero
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
        missedLst.push_back(i);  // Add the value of i at the end
  3. 初始化向量 standard algorithm function std::iota:

    std::vector<int> missedLst(10);  // Declare a vector of ten integers
    std::iota(std::begin(missedLst), std::end(missedLst), 0);