F# Generic IDictionary 扩展失败

F# Generic IDictionary extension failed

当我尝试使用以下代码扩展 IDictionary 时

type Generic.IDictionary<'TKey, 'TValue> with
    member this.GetOrAdd (key:'TKey, fun':'TKey -> 'TValue) =
        match this.ContainsKey(key) with
        | true -> this.Item(key)
        | false -> 
            let val_ = fun' key
            this.Add(key, val_)

let dd = dict[(1,2); (3,4)]
let f = fun x -> 2*x
let d5 = dd.GetOrAdd(5, f)


System.NotSupportedException: Exception of type >'System.NotSupportedException' was thrown. at Microsoft.FSharp.Core.ExtraTopLevelOperators.dictValueType@98.System->Collections-Generic-IDictionary2-Add(TKey key, T value) at FSI_0011.IDictionary2.GetOrAdd[TKey,TValue](IDictionary2 this, >TKey key, FSharpFunc2 fun') in >D:\BaiduYunDownload\DroiEtl\Droi.MyToPG\Util.Sync.fs:line 259 at .$FSI_0018.main@() in >D:\BaiduYunDownload\DroiEtl\Droi.MyToPG\Util.Sync.fs:line 264 Stopped due to error

但是编译器在编译时并没有报错... 请帮助我...

dict is documented to return a read-only IDictionary<_,_> – 然后调用 .Add它,并且支持 class 正确地抛出异常。

改为创建一个真实的 Dictionary 实例,您会看到它按预期工作:

open System.Collections.Generic

type IDictionary<'TKey, 'TValue> with
    member this.GetOrAdd (key:'TKey, fun':'TKey -> 'TValue) =
        match this.ContainsKey key with
          | true  -> this.Item key
          | false -> let val' = fun' key
                     this.Add (key, val')

let dd =
    let d = Dictionary()
    d.Add (1, 2)
    d.Add (3, 4)

printfn "%A" dd
dd.GetOrAdd (5, (fun x -> 2 * x)) |> printfn "%A :: %d" dd
dd.GetOrAdd (5, (fun x -> 9 * x)) |> printfn "%A :: %d" dd


seq [[1, 2]; [3, 4]]
seq [[1, 2]; [3, 4]; [5, 10]] :: 10
seq [[1, 2]; [3, 4]; [5, 10]] :: 10

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在实施方面,@JoelMueller 的建议是一个明显的改进:

type IDictionary<'TKey, 'TValue> with
    member this.GetOrAdd (key:'TKey, fun':'TKey -> 'TValue) =
        match this.TryGetValue key with
          | true, val' -> val'
          | false, _   -> let val' = fun' key
                          this.Add (key, val')