Laravel 保存一对多关系

Laravel save one to many relationship

我在 Laravel 中设置了以下关系:

OrderStatus Model
  - hasMany('Order')

 Order Model
  - 'belongsTo('OrderStatus');

数据库设置有 orders table 和 order_statuses table。 orders table 有一个字段用于 order_status_id

当我保存订单时,我通过获取适当的订单状态模型手动设置 order_status_id,如下所示:

$status = OrderStatus::where(['name'=>'sample_status'])->firstOrFail();
$order->order_status_id = $status->id;

我想知道是否有内置函数可以执行此操作而不是手动设置 order_status_id。我在 Laravel 文档中阅读了 "Attaching a related model" 和 "Associating Models",但我无法确定这些是否适合我的用例。我认为我遇到的问题是我直接使用子模型(订单),并试图设置它的父模型。有这个功能吗?


$status = OrderStatus::where(['name'=>'sample_status'])->firstOrFail();
$order = new Order;

status() 是 belongsTo 关系。您可能需要调整该名称)


$status = OrderStatus::where(['name'=>'sample_status'])->firstOrFail();
$order = new Order;

文档 link:


我正在解释一个例子,刚刚编码并且与您的问题非常相似,希望它能有所帮助。 我有一个 问题模型AnswerOption 模型,如下所示。


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Question extends Model
    protected $table = 'questions';
    protected $fillable =  [

     * Get the answer options for the question.
    public function answerOptions()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\AnswerOption');

     * @param array $answerOptions
    public function syncAnswerOptions(array $answerOptions)
        $children = $this->answerOptions;
        $answerOptions = collect($answerOptions);        
        $deleted_ids = $children->filter(
            function ($child) use ($answerOptions) {
                return empty(
                    $answerOptions->where('id', $child->id)->first()
        )->map(function ($child) {
                $id = $child->id;
                return $id;
        $attachments = $answerOptions->filter(
            function ($answerOption) {
                 // Old entry (you can add your custom code here)
                return empty($answerOption['id']);
        )->map(function ($answerOption) use ($deleted_ids) {
                // New entry (you can add your custom code here)           
                $answerOption['id'] = $deleted_ids->pop();                
                return new AnswerOption($answerOption);

AnswerOption 模型

namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class AnswerOption extends Model
    protected $table = 'answer_options';

    protected $fillable =  [

     * Get the question that owns the answer.
    public function question()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Question');

在这里你可以看到一个问题有很多答案选项,你可以看到我在模型中使用了 BelongsTo , hasMany 关系

现在在 QuestionController 中保存和更新问题时,您还可以保存答案选项。


您只需要传递带有 id 的选项数组,如果 id 已经存在于数据库中,那么它将更新,如果 id 为空,它将添加一条新记录,如果 id 存在但不在您的新记录中数组,则该记录将被删除。

 * If you are attaching AnswerOption(s) for the first time, then pass
 * in just the array of attributes:
 * [
 *     [
 *         // answer option attributes...
 *     ],
 *     [
 *         // answer option attributes...
 *     ],
 * ]
 * If you are attaching new AnswerOption(s) along with existing
 * options, then you need to pass the `id` attribute as well.
 * [
 *     [
 *         'id' => 24
 *     ],
 *     [
 *         // new answer option attributes...
 *     ],
 * ]



$data['answerOptions'] 是答案选项数组,就像评论中描述的那样。