
Where is the error I am missing?

如果当年未命中出生日期,则此子将无法正确计算。如果 DOB 是 1950 年 12 月 31 日,它会将 DOB 计算为 56,但此人在 12 月 31 日之前实际上是 55 岁。有没有我可以添加的更新来适应这个。

Sub EE_DatedIf_ButtonC_()

    Dim wb1 As Workbook
    Dim i As Long
    Dim LastRow1 As Long
    Dim yrDiff As Long
    Dim d1 As Date
    Dim d2 As Date

    Set wb1 = Workbooks("macro all client v.01.xlsm")

    LastRow1 = wb1.Sheets("Carrier").range("F:F").Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row

    For i = 10 To LastRow1

        d1 = wb1.Sheets("Carrier").Cells(8, 1)

        d2 = wb1.Sheets("Carrier").Cells(i, 24)

        yrDiff = DateDiff("yyyy", d2, d1)

        wb1.Sheets("Carrier").Cells(i, 3) = yrDiff

    Next i

End Sub

如果您取月差数,将该数字除以 12 并截断会怎么样

yrDiff = CInt(DateDiff("m", d2, d1) / 12)


yrDiff = CInt(DateDiff("h", d2, d1) / 8766)

UPDATE CInt 将舍入,而不是截断。在此处使用此功能

Public Function Trunc(ByVal value As Double, ByVal num As Integer) As Double
    Trunc = Int(value * (10 ^ num)) / (10 ^ num)
End Function


yrDiff = Trunc(DateDiff("h", d2, d1) / 8766, 0)

如果您比较相同的 month/day 以确定该日期是否已过,您将得到 True 或 False。在 VBA 中,True 为 -1,False 为 0,因此您可以在日期已经过去时简单地添加(通过减去)

Sub test()

    Dim d1 As Date, d2 As Date
    Dim yrDiff As Long

    d2 = #5/31/1950#
    d1 = #6/30/2016#

    yrDiff = Year(d1) - Year(d2) + CLng(d1 < DateSerial(Year(d1), Month(d2), Day(d2)))
    Debug.Print yrDiff

    d2 = #7/31/1950#

    yrDiff = Year(d1) - Year(d2) + CLng(d1 < DateSerial(Year(d1), Month(d2), Day(d2)))
    Debug.Print yrDiff

End Sub