
How to build WOPI validation application

http://wopi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/build_test_ship/validator.html 根据此文档,我们需要构建一些 HTML 主页。


The simplest way to use the validation application is to use the view action. To use the view action hosts should treat .wopitest files the same way other Office documents are treated. In other words, hosts should do the following:

Launch a host page pointed at the .wopitest file. Ideally, this should be the same host page used to host regular Office Online sessions. This will allow the validation application to test things like PostMessage and do some validation on the way the Office Online iframe was loaded.

什么是 .wopitest 文件以及我需要做什么,有人可以指导我吗?请逐步解释

它们意味着您必须以与调用任何其他操作相同的方式调用该操作(在发现中查找操作 url,等等)。 例如,当你想打开一个.docx 进行查看时,你查看discovery.xml,你发现你必须调用https://word-view.officeapps-df.live.com/wv/wordviewerframe.aspx?”,当然你必须准备好Rest 服务该操作(checkFileInfo 等)和 WOPISrc 指向一个实际上是 .docx 的文件。嗯,对于验证应用程序是完全相同的,但你应该调用 WopiTest 应用程序而不是 Word 应用程序(在发现中)并且您生成的 WOPISrc 应该指向一个名为 "xxxx.wopitest" 而不是 "xxxx.docx" 的文件。就是这样!;)