如何在 Angular2 loop/map 中执行异步 HTTP 请求并修改原始循环数组?
How to do a async HTTP request inside an Angular2 loop/map and modify the original loop array?
这里是 Angular2 的新手,想知道如何对数组模式执行此异步请求(不太确定模式名称)。
假设我使用 Angular2 的 Http
获取一个 YouTube 播放列表,其中每个 return 项都包含 videoId
。然后我需要使用 videoId
遍历此项目并向 YouTube 发出另一个请求以获取个人视频信息。这可以是另一个常见的 HTTP 请求,获取列表然后遍历列表并获取每个单独项目的详细信息。
let url = [YouTube API V3 list url]
let detailUrl = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=contentDetails,statistics';
.map(res => res.json())
.subscribe(data => {
let newArray = data.items.map(entry => {
let videoUrl = detailUrl + '&id=' + entry.id.videoId +
'&key=' + this.googleToken;
.map(videoRes => videoRes.json())
.subscribe(videoData => {
//Here how to I join videoData into each item inside of data.items.
如何将 videoData
连接回 data.items
并确保 data.items
中的正确项目与正确的 videoData
连接(使用 data.items
中相关项的 entry.id.videoId
的 videoData
)并创建新的 newArray
newArray 与第一个 HTTP 请求保持相同的顺序。作为第一个 HTTP,按 viewCount 排序进入 YouTube 搜索列表 API。像上面那样简单地嵌套 observable 不会保持原来的顺序。
有了inoabrian solution,我就可以顺利达到以上三点。但是当我再次调用 myvideoservice 时(比如将 url 更改为新的 NextPageToken),主题 - this._videoObject 有 2 个观察者。再次加载,它有 3 个观察者,依此类推。我需要一种方法来将主题重置为只有 1 个观察者,这样我就不会有重复的视频。这是 clear/reset 主题的最佳实践方式吗?
您已经可以在 .map
函数中访问 entry
let url = [YouTube API V3 list url]
let detailUrl = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=contentDetails,statistics';
.map(res => res.json())
.subscribe(data => {
let newArray = data.items.map(entry => {
let videoUrl = detailUrl + '&id=' + entry.id.videoId +
'&key=' + this.googleToken;
.map(videoRes => videoRes.json())
.subscribe(videoData => {
entry.videoData = videoData;
//Here how to I join videoData into each item inside of data.items.
// You need to set up a subject in your sevice
private _videoObject = new Subject < any > ();
videoDataAnnounced$ = this._videoObject;
let url = [YouTube API V3 list url]
let detailUrl = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=contentDetails,statistics';
.map(res => res.json())
.subscribe(data => {
this.cache = data.items;
data.items.forEach(entry => {
let videoUrl = detailUrl + '&id=' + entry.id.videoId + '&key=' + this.googleToken;
.map(videoRes => videoRes.json())
.subscribe(videoData => {
// This will announce that the full videoData is loaded to what ever component is listening.
// In your constructor for your component you can subscribe to wait on the data being loaded.
public newVideos: any[] = [];
constructor(private myServiceToLoadVideos: myvideoservice) {
let self = this;
this.myServiceToLoadVideos.videoDataAnnounced$.subscribe((video) => {
// Here you could loop through that
self.myServiceToLoadVideos.cache.map(d => {
if (d.id == video.id) {
// Here you have the old data set without the details which is (d) from the cached data in the service.
// And now you can create a new object with both sets of data with the video object
d.snippet = video.items[0].snippet;
d.statistics = video.items[0].statistics;
d.contentDetails = video.items[0].contentDetails;
this.posts = this.posts.concat(d);
if(this.posts.length == this.cache.length){
// if l is < r then it will return a negative number
// else it will return a positive number.
// That is how this sort function works
return l.viewCount - r.viewCount;
// Here you will have all of the data and it will be sorted in order.
-- -- --
The Subject is an observable - http: //reactivex.io/documentation/subject.html
When you listen to the Subject it is not like q.all it will complete one by one until they complete.
The cache in the service call is just to keep track of the playlist.
Then when you receive the details in the constructor you can match them back up and keep order with the cache.
Q: "And when subscribe to the subject as in your code, the result is when ALL the "
next " in _videoObject finished, right?"
A: No, when each individual finishes you will get once at a time.
JS Sort -
this.http.get(url) // original request
.map(res => res.json()) // extract json from response
.switchMap(data => { // take-over the original data and make the subsribers wait for sub-requests to complete
let modifiedRequest = new Subject(); // observable to to publish modified data, once all sub-requests are completed
let allSubRequests = data.items.map(entry => { // array of sub-requests
let videoUrl = detailUrl + '&id=' + entry.id.videoId +
'&key=' + this.googleToken;
return this.http.get(videoUrl)
.map(videoRes => videoRes.json()) // extract json for every sub-request
.map(videoJson => { // modify the original 'data' object with the data in videoJson (I don't know the format, so can't tell how-to)
// modify your "data" here
return videoJson; // let the flow continue
let mergedSubRequests = Observable.range(0, 1).merge.apply(null, allSubRequests); // merge all sub-requests to know when will all are completed
mergedSubRequests.subscribe( // subscribe to merged observable
(d) => {}, // data from every sub-request, we don't need it
(e) => {}, // error from every sub-request, handle it as you want
() => { // success, called after all sub-requests are completed
modifiedRequest.next(data); // send out the modified data
modifiedRequest.complete(); // complete the temprary observable
return modifiedRequest; // provide the observable with modified data, to subscribers of orginal request, they will not know the difference
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
import {Subject} from 'rxjs/Subject';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/merge';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/range';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/switchMap';
let addDetail = (entry) => {
let videoUrl = detailUrl + '&id=' + entry.id.videoId +
'&key=' + this.googleToken;
return this.http.get(videoUrl)
.map(videoRes => Object.assign({videoData: videoRes.json()}, entry)
let maxConcurrentRequest = 1;
let source = this.http.get(url)
// any of mergeMap, concatMap, switchMap... will do
.mergeMap(res => Observable.from(res.json().items))
.mergeMap(addDetail, null, maxConcurrentRequest);
source.subscribe( /* Do anything you wish */ );
现在 source
发出的每个项目都是播放列表中的一个条目,与 videoData
。当 maxConcurrentRequest
= 1 时,source
这里是 Angular2 的新手,想知道如何对数组模式执行此异步请求(不太确定模式名称)。
假设我使用 Angular2 的 Http
获取一个 YouTube 播放列表,其中每个 return 项都包含 videoId
。然后我需要使用 videoId
遍历此项目并向 YouTube 发出另一个请求以获取个人视频信息。这可以是另一个常见的 HTTP 请求,获取列表然后遍历列表并获取每个单独项目的详细信息。
let url = [YouTube API V3 list url]
let detailUrl = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=contentDetails,statistics';
.map(res => res.json())
.subscribe(data => {
let newArray = data.items.map(entry => {
let videoUrl = detailUrl + '&id=' + entry.id.videoId +
'&key=' + this.googleToken;
.map(videoRes => videoRes.json())
.subscribe(videoData => {
//Here how to I join videoData into each item inside of data.items.
newArray 与第一个 HTTP 请求保持相同的顺序。作为第一个 HTTP,按 viewCount 排序进入 YouTube 搜索列表 API。像上面那样简单地嵌套 observable 不会保持原来的顺序。
有了inoabrian solution,我就可以顺利达到以上三点。但是当我再次调用 myvideoservice 时(比如将 url 更改为新的 NextPageToken),主题 - this._videoObject 有 2 个观察者。再次加载,它有 3 个观察者,依此类推。我需要一种方法来将主题重置为只有 1 个观察者,这样我就不会有重复的视频。这是 clear/reset 主题的最佳实践方式吗?
您已经可以在 .map
函数中访问 entry
let url = [YouTube API V3 list url]
let detailUrl = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=contentDetails,statistics';
.map(res => res.json())
.subscribe(data => {
let newArray = data.items.map(entry => {
let videoUrl = detailUrl + '&id=' + entry.id.videoId +
'&key=' + this.googleToken;
.map(videoRes => videoRes.json())
.subscribe(videoData => {
entry.videoData = videoData;
//Here how to I join videoData into each item inside of data.items.
// You need to set up a subject in your sevice
private _videoObject = new Subject < any > ();
videoDataAnnounced$ = this._videoObject;
let url = [YouTube API V3 list url]
let detailUrl = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=contentDetails,statistics';
.map(res => res.json())
.subscribe(data => {
this.cache = data.items;
data.items.forEach(entry => {
let videoUrl = detailUrl + '&id=' + entry.id.videoId + '&key=' + this.googleToken;
.map(videoRes => videoRes.json())
.subscribe(videoData => {
// This will announce that the full videoData is loaded to what ever component is listening.
// In your constructor for your component you can subscribe to wait on the data being loaded.
public newVideos: any[] = [];
constructor(private myServiceToLoadVideos: myvideoservice) {
let self = this;
this.myServiceToLoadVideos.videoDataAnnounced$.subscribe((video) => {
// Here you could loop through that
self.myServiceToLoadVideos.cache.map(d => {
if (d.id == video.id) {
// Here you have the old data set without the details which is (d) from the cached data in the service.
// And now you can create a new object with both sets of data with the video object
d.snippet = video.items[0].snippet;
d.statistics = video.items[0].statistics;
d.contentDetails = video.items[0].contentDetails;
this.posts = this.posts.concat(d);
if(this.posts.length == this.cache.length){
// if l is < r then it will return a negative number
// else it will return a positive number.
// That is how this sort function works
return l.viewCount - r.viewCount;
// Here you will have all of the data and it will be sorted in order.
UPDATE -- -- --
The Subject is an observable - http: //reactivex.io/documentation/subject.html When you listen to the Subject it is not like q.all it will complete one by one until they complete. The cache in the service call is just to keep track of the playlist. Then when you receive the details in the constructor you can match them back up and keep order with the cache. Q: "And when subscribe to the subject as in your code, the result is when ALL the " next " in _videoObject finished, right?" A: No, when each individual finishes you will get once at a time.
JS Sort - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort
this.http.get(url) // original request
.map(res => res.json()) // extract json from response
.switchMap(data => { // take-over the original data and make the subsribers wait for sub-requests to complete
let modifiedRequest = new Subject(); // observable to to publish modified data, once all sub-requests are completed
let allSubRequests = data.items.map(entry => { // array of sub-requests
let videoUrl = detailUrl + '&id=' + entry.id.videoId +
'&key=' + this.googleToken;
return this.http.get(videoUrl)
.map(videoRes => videoRes.json()) // extract json for every sub-request
.map(videoJson => { // modify the original 'data' object with the data in videoJson (I don't know the format, so can't tell how-to)
// modify your "data" here
return videoJson; // let the flow continue
let mergedSubRequests = Observable.range(0, 1).merge.apply(null, allSubRequests); // merge all sub-requests to know when will all are completed
mergedSubRequests.subscribe( // subscribe to merged observable
(d) => {}, // data from every sub-request, we don't need it
(e) => {}, // error from every sub-request, handle it as you want
() => { // success, called after all sub-requests are completed
modifiedRequest.next(data); // send out the modified data
modifiedRequest.complete(); // complete the temprary observable
return modifiedRequest; // provide the observable with modified data, to subscribers of orginal request, they will not know the difference
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
import {Subject} from 'rxjs/Subject';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/merge';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/range';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/switchMap';
let addDetail = (entry) => {
let videoUrl = detailUrl + '&id=' + entry.id.videoId +
'&key=' + this.googleToken;
return this.http.get(videoUrl)
.map(videoRes => Object.assign({videoData: videoRes.json()}, entry)
let maxConcurrentRequest = 1;
let source = this.http.get(url)
// any of mergeMap, concatMap, switchMap... will do
.mergeMap(res => Observable.from(res.json().items))
.mergeMap(addDetail, null, maxConcurrentRequest);
source.subscribe( /* Do anything you wish */ );
现在 source
发出的每个项目都是播放列表中的一个条目,与 videoData
。当 maxConcurrentRequest
= 1 时,source