Firebase 远程配置:随机百分位数的用户。用户是否只分配一次?

Firebase Remote Config: user in randome percentile. Are users assigned only once?

假设我创建了一个带有条件的参数,以便为随机百分位数 < 10% 的用户分配特定值。客户端获取此值参数并以 10% 的概率获取此值,否则获取默认值。下一个会话客户端获取相同的参数。他会再次获得相同的价值吗?用户是无限期地停留在同一个百分位数,还是每次获取参数值时都掷骰子?


Each app instance is consistently mapped to a random whole or fractional number within a project, so you can use a rule of this type to consistently address the same app instances.

For example, to create two related conditions that each apply to a non-overlapping .05% of an app's user base, you could have one condition include a <= .05% rule, and another condition include both a > .05% rule and a <= .10% rule.
