在 Visual Basic 中使用极坐标绘图时移动原点

Move point of origin while drawing using polar coordinates in visual basic


Public Class polarToCartesian

Property X As Double
Property Y As Double
Sub New(Radius As Double, AngleDegree As Double)
    Dim AngleRadian As Double = AngleDegree * 2 * Math.PI / 360
    X = Radius * Math.Cos(AngleRadian)
    Y = Radius * Math.Sin(AngleRadian)
End Sub
End Class

Public Class CartesianToPolar
    Property Radius As Double
    Property AngleRadian As Double
    ReadOnly Property AngleDegree As Double
        Return AngleRadian * 360 / (2 * Math.PI)
    End Get
    End Property

    Sub New(X As Double, Y As Double)
        Radius = (X ^ 2 + Y ^ 2) ^ 0.5
        AngleRadian = Math.Atan2(Y, X)
    End Sub
End Class


If pTopping = True Then
    Dim counter = 0
    Dim imgPic(3) As Image
    imgPic(0) = pepperoniOne
    imgPic(1) = pepperoniTwo
    imgPic(2) = pepperoniThree
    Do Until counter > 38
        Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((3 * Rnd()) + 0))
        Dim i = imgPic(value)
        Dim PTC As New polarAndCartesian(CInt(Int((60 * Rnd()) + 0)), CInt(Int((360 * Rnd()) + 0)))
        e.Graphics.DrawImage(i, CInt(PTC.X), CInt(PTC.Y))
        counter += 1
End If



您必须计算比萨饼的中心并将其添加到意大利辣香肠 x 和 y 中。

PTC.X += ( pie.X + pie.Width  ) \ 2 ' "\" for integer division instead of "/"
PTC.Y += ( pie.Y + pie.Height ) \ 2 

此外,在极坐标下,馅饼的中心看起来比侧面有更多的意大利辣香肠。相反,您可以随机获取 X 和 Y 并检查它们是否在披萨饼圈内。

要在 .NET 中获取 0 到 2 之间的随机整数:

Dim random as New Random()
Dim value = random.Next(3);