Bacon.js 来自值的 EventStream

Bacon.js EventStream from value

假设我的代码中有一个任意值: var arbitraryValue = null;

我的代码中有多个地方可以更改此值。我可以创建一个基于 this 值变化的 EventStream 吗?换句话说,如果更改了 arbitraryValue,新值将作为 EventStream 发送给订阅者?


在 js 中检查变量的值是否变化并不难。

function checkValue() {
    var newValue = value;
    if (newValue != value) {
        // Value has changed
        // .... (Code that needs to be executed)


function checkValue(interval) {
    var checkInterval = setInterval(function () {
        var newValue = value;
        if (newValue != value) {
            // Value has changed
            // .... (Code that needs to be executed)
    }, interval); 

在代码开头的某处调用此函数将检查您的值是否每 interval 毫秒更改一次。要停止此过程,您需要做的就是清除间隔。请注意,我已将间隔放在变量内,以便清除间隔。



注意:请设置间隔,使其每秒检查一次。 (1000 毫秒)。它可能不需要低于该值,更频繁地检查只会给浏览器带来不必要的工作。


使用 Bus 而不是普通值:

var arbitraryValueBus = Bacon.Bus()

现在您可以使用 Bus.push 设置值:


您可以通过订阅 Bus:

arbitraryValueBus.forEach(newValue => console.log(newValue))

请注意,使用简单的 Bus,您的订阅者将不会获得在 forEach 调用之前设置的值。所以,如果你想添加一个 "current value",并用当前值立即调用你的回调,你应该使用 Property:

var b = Bacon.Bus()
var p = arbitraryValueBus.toProperty()
p.forEach() // to make sure it's updated before adding subscribers
b.push("first value")
p.subscribe(x => console.log(x))

==> outputs "first value"


感谢您的回答!也许 Bacon.js 不是我想要的,所以我决定制作自己的 "Reactive Programming" 库。它会立即计算新值,而无需使用 setTimeout 检查值。

var = createReactiveValue = function(initialValue) {
return {
    "observers": [], // Call these functions with a new value when it has been set
    "set": function(newValue) {
        this.value = newValue;

        this.observers.forEach(function(observer) {
            // Call observers asynchronously
            setTimeout(function() { observer(this.value) }, 0);
    "get": function() {
        return this.value;
    "addObserver": function(observer) {

// If any of the dependant values change, sets reactive value 'value' to the result of calling 'result'
var = makeReaction = function(value, dependencies, result) {
    // Start watching changes in dependencies
    dependencies.forEach(function(dependency) {
        dependency.addObserver(function(newValue) {
            var newResult = result(value, dependencies);

// When 'reactiveValue' is changed, calls the given 'result' function with the new value
var = watchReaction = function(reactiveValue, result) {
    // Start watching changes in reactive value
    reactiveValue.addObserver(function(newValue) {

var a = createReactiveValue(2);
var b = createReactiveValue(1);
var c = createReactiveValue(null);

// We want c to depend on both a and b. If either a or b change, c should    automatically recalculate it's value
makeReaction(c, [a, b], function(c, [a, b]) {
    return a.get() + b.get();

// If c is changed, for whatever reason, log it
watchReaction(c, function(newC) {
    console.log("Reaction completed: " + a.get() + " + " + b.get() + " = " + c.get());

// Test it by resetting value a to random
    var newValue = Math.random();
    a.set(newValue); },
1000); // Logs the new result imm
