Genymotion 在 Windows 10 for Android Emulator 中不工作

Genymotion is not working in Windows 10 for Android Emulator

我已经尝试了所有方法(重新安装、以管理员身份打开等),但它仍然无法打开 Android 5.x 和 6.x 模拟器。


Unable to start the virtual device. The virtual device got no IP address. The VirtualBox DHCP server has not assigned an IP address to the virtual device. To find a solution, please start Virtual Box.

我已经按照这个 and this 但是错误信息一直存在。

我正在使用 Windows 10 Pro。

无需重新安装 Windows 的任何其他提示?



1) 请打开 VirtualBox,然后右键单击您的虚拟机。

2) Select 设置。

3) 打开 General 从左侧面板设置。

4) 打开“基本”选项卡。

5) 从 Type 选项中选择 Linux

6) 然后在Version[=]中选择Other Linux(64-bit) 46=]节.

我已经在我的电脑上尝试了 32 位模式选项,但出现了与您在问题中所问的相同的问题。所以,select 64位模式使之成为运行.

Note: Android 5.x and 6.x are based on the 64-bit architecture. If you selected the Other Linux(32-bit) option. Then Virtual Box will try to emulate a 64-bit program in a 32-bit virtual machine type, which is not possible.

So, Please make sure that you have selected the Other Linux(64-bit) option for Android Versions higher than 5.x. (You can run Android versions upto 4.x in the 32-bit mode.)

Old Answer:

No, You don't need to reinstall windows. It is not an operating system fault.

I faced this problem.

It is due to the Antivirus Program.

If you have any antivirus program then just disable it and TRY AGAIN.

You also don't need to set any compatibility mode.

Currently, I am using Genymotion(Version 2.6.0) and VirtualBox(Version 5.0.12 r104815) in Windows 10 Pro without any error.